A Quick Look At Ubuntu 23.04 "Lunar Lobster"
Ubuntu recently release version 23.04 “Lunar Lobster” featuring the GNOME 44 desktop environment. This latest release of Ubuntu sports some new software, some nice theming and some amazing wallpapers.
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Your support is very much appreciated. Thanks, guys!
2:10 Flutter is built by Google, not Gnome 🙂
I am having a bug in my Ubuntu 23.04 installation since I installed Anydesk remote desktop. I cannot open more than 4 tabs in any browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Brave, etc.), and the minimize and maximize buttons do not work in any browser.
Tapping the left arrow results in a funny intro to the video 🙂
sorry friend good video but can i install burpsuite on ubuntu easly with UBUNTU SOFTWARE CENTER ? THANK'S
Looks just like every other version of Ubuntu. Who gives a crap about wallpapers? No serious IT professionals. It still takes Linux Mint to make Ubuntu useable.
Wouldn't you rather just have a screenshot
I used Ubuntu only in 2009 in this time I have a (WIFI-LAN) driver problem I can not connect to internet so I return to XP
did Ubuntu fix this thing's? can I use my printer or connect to the internet easy? is Ubuntu still slow Heavy distro? what is good Ubuntu or Linux Mint?
is that lord buddha statue ?
Just a small correction: the official Telegram app/client is NOT proprietary. It's open-source.
Hope I get Gnome on next Ubuntu Studio LTS for my studio. Great Video. Cheers
Your face in the thumbnail looks exactly like exited pointing wojak which is really fitting for soybuntu
Using XFCE so not that bothered by the Gnome changes. If 23.04 can handle suspend properly I'll be happy, as 22.10 cannot.
Just got sucked in to new laptop Dell 3400. . Ubuntu. Wtf? Worst crap wtf. Won't run anything . A wipe and win 11 install
Where does this giu live? Like in Mars?
Wallpapers? who cares?
4.5 gig file is huge with having only a few packages. Maybe that is why the memory usage was up there too. The new Mint Debian-5-cinnamon file is only 2 gig. Showing between 400 and 500mb memory usage on mine. Less than half of the memory used shown on Htop in this video.
11:04 Stop trying to click. Just use arrow keys on keyboard. Right, down, etc then [Enter] to see desired folder.
yea your right man those are some amazing wallpapers
The only thing you need to know is that Ubuntu bans use of flatpak, bwst open source docker containers apss tool
13:13 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
loving it. my only problem is the dorky new file picker always starts in your home directory. that's more annoying than the tile view. I want the old one back where I get a big preview of the selected item in the list.
and totem throws error that "GStreamer element vaapipostproc is required…" though I'm sure they'll fix that soon.
"Includes Paid Promotion"
installed it today for development its great
Running the lightweight version (Lubuntu) so far, happy – however on the 2009 MacBook Pro….
The usual issues of Nvidia drivers are present 😕
Just trying to work them out – I might just not bother, it's not vital for my needs. Just nice to have.
clicked the video just to say doing the soy face in the thumbnail is cringe
blink rapidly if you're being held hostage by cannonical
For anybody interested, I moved from 22.04 LTS because I wanted more powerful Gaming options and overclocking in 22.04 was impossible for me. I waited a few weeks until bugs or issues had stack exchange answers and did a fresh install. Very glad I did, games are faster, the OS / desktop it's self is more responsive, it looks and feels nicer and just seems faster at everything. It's not perfect and you will almost certainly run into the odd issue but none of them are deal breaking. I was able to immediately use Nvidia X screen settings to add GPU-clock and memory offsets which was just not possible from the LTS.
This is interesting. Perhaps I might just give Ubuntu a try. It won't ever take me away from my main OS (OpenSuse) since over a decade and also because I am not a fan of Gnome but it certainly might just be worth trying out inside a VM. Excellent video though as always.
the website is broken wont open
How can i install gnu health on Ubuntu 23.04
I had it freeze on me and then wouldn't boot. I just wanted something that "works" and it didn't lol. I had the 22.04 freeze up on my thinkpad also.. so I'm kinda distro hopping right now. I'm over spending hours fixing stuff..might try FreeBSD.
Nice soy face in your thumbnail, boy.
After experimenting with various distros, from Pop_OS to Manjaro, EndeavourOS, and others, I end up coming back to Ubunto and settling with it. It has great compatibility and stability and has been a great daily driver for my main machine.
Jordan Peterson fans approve this.
Have you reconsidered your opinion on free software and firearms?
Interesting. "Learn Linux TV" had a lot of negatives to say about 23.04 – specifically a lot of visual bugs and crashes. He said he had to try installing 3 times before it finally went through without an issue. And that the new installer doesn't allow you to choose ZFS but the classic installer does. He said a lot of the features advertised for 23.04 like kernel and app updates should automatically become available to prior versions anyway, or should be very easy to install, and that bascially Gnome 44 was the only real difference. Thoughts?
I have been using manjaro. Ubuntu is an another windows for me.
Hello, let me share my experience with this version.
I was quite surprised by the new installer, it finally doesn't look like a copy of various Ubuntu derivatives (of course all ubuntu based derivatives, heh). The first impression was quite good, at times even surprising what a leap Canonical made, the response, the wi-fi connected to the network beautifully quickly. What I wasn't surprised by, but expected, were the problems. Already during a live session, it happened to me that the system stopped responding and threw an error message (which is strange, since the OS is not yet installed). Another thing that stumped me is booting. It gave me a Hash -13 error message when loading. I don't know why, but it seems to me that main branches have worse stability than derivatives.
I dont really care about wallpaper. I have not seen anyone in professional world setting wallpapers. Nobody cares. Really !!!. Nobody
Im not using ubuntu until they get rid of snaps
For God's sake it is Ubuntu…get real
no blue lobster meme wallpaper 🙁