A Very Simple VPS Server Tutorial for Beginners
Learn how to setup a VPS server running Linux that you can use for website hosting or any number of other use cases. Don’t know what a VPS is? Watch this first https://youtu.be/GQwBzdYRS_c
Get a VPS server for free 👉 https://ttt.do/VultrPrivateServer ($100 free credit applied after sign up with my affiliate link)
Find more at https://tonyteaches.tech
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by Tony Teaches Tech
linux web server
straight to the point. thanks.
Great video! Also, you look like CarlSagan42.
-VPS Server tutorial
-"use vultr"
hello there, if you can help me, How to Sodium Extension Installer in PHP 8.0? , easyApache 4 S.O. CentOS 7 does not activate the Provision button
Great video. Supercharge Your Website with VPS Hosting ✅✅
Thank you but we can't used vultr's VPS in Iran….!!!
Tony, I love your whole channel!!! I loe to learn and I even learn some things that I forgot over time. This is my first time setting up an unmanaged VPS (w/Hostinger) however, and I have a serious problem: I have set up a virtual private server, and the DNS is all set up, nameservers and everything. The problem is, from my pc I get the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error msg. It suggests a problem with my browsers, but all 7 of my browsers return the same error. I dont see a firewall issue, as again all other sites have no problem accessing, just the newly created website on my domain. It doesn't appear to be a server-side issue, because all of my other devices like my phone have no problem accessing the site. which takes me back to the client side. If it's not a browser issue and not a server issue, what could be blocking this one website or ip address to refuse to connect to my pc but all others, while at the same time my pc connects to all websites but mine. I can even access a subdomain i created, just not the top level domain. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I have flushed dns, ran ping and traceroute, and all seems well. Just not able to get past the above error. I've googled and youtubed my butt off, and tried all of the internet lan connections, tried to use proxy, all to no avail. Please Help!!!
How do I install WordPress afterwards?
A 9 minute ad nothing more
Hi, you showed how to deploy html static webpage, what about database, and other code based web application such as python, and mysql , does it mean will need more resource, another word means more to pay ? Also what about traffic, bandwidth, what the cost of it? Are there any limitations?
Great Video! Greetings from Germany and thanks!
informative video
I have known for a while but you proved me right again, it’s about who is teaching you because I have gone through hundreds of channels and thousands of videos on this topic and you were so clear and I could understand you as a beginner trying to get into this. Thank you sir.
How to get Amazon vps? Please reply.
great 👍
You saved my life.
I watched a tons of videos, but I could not make my website appear, this video definitely makes it works! Soooo simple, big thank!
Hello bro!
very informative video >
how to make a local vps server in a local network?
if you have any ideas or resources or tutruals about that let me know
how do you attach the domain name?
Great video, I only need VPS for my employees from abroad to login to my computer. Is VPS still needed.?
so how do i host a downloaded file on my PC??
Aur you create vps for me
I'm from India
bad thing is ther bandwidth is limited to 400mbit/s
inos is good too
Hey Tony, I just found out that Contabo has launched their own PaaS called Zerops. Do you mind making a video on it?
Great! Easy and concise, thank you for this video
Can you do a tutorial on how to install docker on a vps
How can I be my own provider?
WordPress on AWS – UBUNTU 22.04 with apache and php8, with lets encypt ssl, with SMPT gmail server
Please make a short video with commands in description, Please??
Is this unmanaged vps?
First of all thank you for this video it help a lot. Do you have a list of VPS website that offer Datacenter when creating a VPS. I am looking to compare prices for monthly package. Thanks in advance.
how to connect an only ipv6 vps over putty or winscp
I tried site is active but i could not connected through putty
I need vps cent os 7 I have botnet
You don't give complete information in a video at once, half the knowledge always leads astray. For example, you told about WordPress installation in a video, then several days later you told about SSL installation, several days later you told about server secure and after several days you gave information about WordPress security and speed optimization, several days later CDN information Gave. What I mean to say is that if a new user installs WordPress after watching one of your videos, then he will be deprived of information about the rest of the video and his website will also be hacked. I request you to kindly give complete information in one video so that the user does not have to wander anywhere. This will also strengthen your content and the subscribers will also be stable. If you give this information in a single video, then the user can start his work by installing WordPress in one go.
Thanks alot Tony
Is port 25 open automatically
One question
is Debian 11 is more sensible for 1GB ram 1cpu core vps?
I know Ubuntu 22.04 needs 2 GHz dual core processor, 4 GiB RAM (system memory) for minmum system requirements
54th view. You are the best i love you.
1st view