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Adding an SMTP route on G Suite to route mail to Vaultastic

Before adding a journal rule for the users of your domain, you need to add a mail route for the Vaultastic server. This mail route is an SMTP connector which will be used to route mail from G Suite to Vaultastic. Learn more:

Tutorial Transcript:
Greetings from Mithi, welcome to a series of self learning videos on understanding and using Vaultastic, the easiest and the most secured email archiving solution yet. In this video we will learn how to add a SMTP route on G Suite, to route mail to Vaultastic. This video explains the steps required to configure a SMTP route.

This SMTP connector will be used to route mail from the G Suite to Vaultastic. It is recommended to configure this route before you configure mail routing rule for G Suite users. This is a one-time job. If you have added the mail route for the Vaultastic server you can skip this step and go to the next step.

Before configuring a SMTP route, make sure you have provisioned a corresponding domain and all the users on Vaultastic. If a user is not present on Vaultastic, email messages sent from or received to that user will not be archived on Vaultastic.

First log on to the domain on the G Suite portal. Navigate to home, apps, G Suite and then Gmail, and scroll down to select the host option. Add SMTP connector to route mail messages from G Suite to Vaultastic. Give a name to the SMTP route. Let’s say Vaultastic mail route. Choose the single host option from the list. Provide email server name as

Mention the SMTP port value as 25. Deselect all the mail delivery options and save the route. You can see the newly added connector listed under the host option. Now you are ready to configure mail routing route for users on your G Suite domain.

Thank you for watching the video. In the next video let’s learn how to configure mail routing rule for all users of your primary email domain hosted on G Suite. Stay tuned to the YouTube channel, Vaultastic.


by Vaultastic

linux smtp server

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