Adley gets a ROBLOX DOG!! Dance Off with Dad! Playing family and a new pet for my roblox birthday!
i accidentally turned dad into a chicken🐔
HEY EVERYBODY!! It’s ROBLOX time again!! last time we played roblox we played a game called wacky wizards, it’s a game where you make a bunch of different magic potions! today i had to make dad a potion because he wouldn’t wake up.. i mixed together all of the potion ingredients that i had into a cup and gave it to dad! i didn’t know what the potion would do, but when he woke up.. i accidentally turned dad into a chicken!! good thing i know magic spells so i could turn him back into a human! then we decided to play a new game where you have 1 minute to dress up in super cute clothes and have a dance party competition! after our dance off we decided to play 1 more game! this time we just played a family game.. dad was the daddy and i was baby Adley! we pretended that tomorrow was my birthday and for my birthday i got a pet dog!! my roblox puppy was the cutest!! i can’t wait for all the fun things to do with my new doggy!
my last video: Adley’s BABY NURSERY!! Big Sister Training for new babies! Adley is the Boss play pretend with Mom
my dad’s last video: Backyard WATER GAME!! Weekend family routine, Navey Walking, Duck Park, Bear Breakfast & Swimming!
Bye vlog *pshhhhh*
cisco academie