Algorithmic Challenges. An Educational Framework for AI & Ethics Literacy – Aldo Pisano
Algorithmic Challenges. An Educational Framework for AI & Ethics Literacy – Aldo Pisano, University of Calabria
Today, AI serves as an algorithmic truth, making it a valuable tool for advancing mathematical thinking. Our approach to AI can be either one of trust or risk, depending on whether we delegate decision-making responsibilities to AI.
A responsible and trustworthy framework for AI usage should be risk-based and human-centered. To achieve this, we require:
• Legal and ethical regulations and models aimed at raising awareness about AI, such as the “AI Act” and the Pillars for a “Trustworthy AI” as happened in Europe.
• Ethical counseling and interdisciplinary teams within industries operating in companies, where AI is widely used.
• An educational framework based on Europe’s key competences about Digital Citizenship.
Regarding AI and Ethics Literacy in Education, we can contemplate the following topics:
a) Promoting awareness about ‘automation bias’ and ‘Paradox of automatization.’
b) Fostering critical and lateral thinking to encourage democratic sharing and pluralism, even when AI is involved.
c) Developing argumentation skills for decision-making.
d) Exploring ‘dopamine fasting’ methods
e) Educating about fact-checking strategies.
f) Employing frame analysis techniques.
by The Linux Foundation
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