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An easy way to create Satellite Overlays for OpenCPN – Tips on Tuesday

This is an easy way to create Satellite overlays for OpenCPN with a Mac or a PC in 30 minutes or less. That is the set up time, once you are set up, you can create a Satellite overlay in about 5 minutes start to finish. Anyone can do it now quickly, and easily before a crossing with a decent internet connection.

Below is a link to download the QGIS Program
Please leave them a tip for making this software available!

Below are URL’s for sources of XYZTiles data
ESRI Imagery -{z}/{y}/{x}
Google Road –{x}&y={y}&z={z}
Bing Satellite –{q}.jpeg?g=1
Google Satellite Ru –{x}&y={y}&z={z}
Google Satellite –{x}&y={y}&z={z}
Mapzen Global Terrain –{z}/{x}/{y}.png
Open Street –{z}/{x}/{y}.png

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Stay tuned as next Friday 12PM EST we release a new video 🎥

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0:00 Introduction
0:23 Tips On Tuesday Intro
1:01 Bullet Points for this video
2:00 MBTiles vs XYZTiles
3:14 XYZTiles work with OpenCPN
3:30 Raster vs Vecter
5:29 View Satellite overlays of the Golf of Aden
7:32 Entrence to Maupiha’a
8:16 Download QGIS
8:38 Install QGIS
8:49 Links to XYZFiles Data
9:06 Open QGIS and input Links to data
10:33 Test the data links
11:03 Make a Satellite Overlay
16:00 Make a Satellite overlay with 17 levels of zoom
17:21 Open OpenCPN and load the new overlays
17:49 View the new XYZTiles to Music
19:33 Outro
Thanks so much for watching! Stay tuned as next Friday 12PM EST we release a new video!

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atoll logiciel

20 thoughts on “An easy way to create Satellite Overlays for OpenCPN – Tips on Tuesday

  • Below is a link to download the QGIS Program
    Please leave them a tip for making this software available!

    Below are URL's for sources of XYZTiles data
    ESRI Imagery –{z}/{y}/{x}
    Google Road –{x}&y={y}&z={z}
    Bing Satellite –{q}.jpeg?g=1
    Google Satellite Ru –{x}&y={y}&z={z}
    Google Satellite –{x}&y={y}&z={z}
    Mapzen Global Terrain –{z}/{x}/{y}.png
    Open Street –{z}/{x}/{y}.png

  • Smart solution for a tricky issue. Good job! Thanx for the effort and for sharing. Kind regards

  • Excellent tutorial, works perfectly! Before that I was really struggling with SasPlanet and Sat2Chart which are a complete mess (and didn't work with Google earth anyway)

  • Hi Ken, I've finally got around to downloading this program after trying to use SAS planet. I've followed everything in you're vid(I've watched it 20 times or more:)
    I'm getting the mobile file into a folder and I'm getting the folder into open cpn but when trying to view the chart in just getting a red box where the overlay should be. Did you have this issue when you first started out? I'm sure I've missed something?

  • Have you evaluated sasplanet, if yes how does it compare with what you showed in video?
    Also curious as to whether you have used the oscilloscope to fix anything yet?

  • thanks for your great work! google satelite overlays work great! regards from austria!

  • None of your XYZ Tile data links are working it seems (please check with your computer) Can you please provide new ones or let me know where I went wrong.

  • Hi Ken ,great to find out that Open CPN works on a Mac , do you use yours at the helm or only inside for planning purposes ? In one of the response you mentioned that it is connected to gps ? How ?is it build in ? I have an IPad Pro which has a build in GPS but Open CPN is not compatible with IOS yet… very interesting video again 👍

  • Very interesting… difficult to follow at times, but one just have to view it multiple times. Perhaps more detailed explanations?

  • Thanks Ken! Definitely not interested in doing things that bump in the night…

  • Going to watch this one a few times as we setup OpenCPN. Well done guys and thanks. J&J

  • I also use CM93 on OpenCPM, but have never encountered any discrepancies between the real world and the map here in Europe. What is your experience?

  • Good day Capitan Ken- Liked the video but would ask the real time benefits of the overlays. I seen in the video the contrast between the Navionics and chart when entering the straights and you had confirmation from others the Navionics chart is best for entering. As you know, GPS can be off a little and I was taught when unsure of land site to use another methods confirming position and that is to turn on the radar and contrast that picture with your GPS. I used this method on my last boat when caught in very dense fog and could not see past the bow-It worked and the theory was put into practise and installed a great deal of confidence in a system that does work and would like to pass that onto those reading the comments. Cross referencing real time Data 😉
    Can I ask you background ?

    Best, Allan

  • If I could suggest.. please pin the links as a comment… I found that both Chrome and Firefox browser versions of the You Tube description box broke the URL links for the XYZTiles data sources

  • Thank you for this video!It kinda broke my brain but I learned something about how electronic charts work!
    Keep up the good job on these videos.
    Cheers from Dundas,Ontario.

  • Don't know if you guys caught the news but in the Maldives today about 50 people were doing yoga at a stadium to celebrate national yoga day or something like that and a bunch of men (very unhappy men) rushed the stadium to protest. Didn't look like people were hurt but I did see some yoga matts get stabbed. And people say yoga is good for your health. Y'all left at the right time.

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