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Apache 2 : Host Multiple Websites On One Server With Single IP

Linux Server Video #2
#Linux_Server #SnatchDreams
This video demonstrates how too implement multiple websites on single server with single IP address ! Hope you find this video useful.

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by SnatchDreams

linux web server

20 thoughts on “Apache 2 : Host Multiple Websites On One Server With Single IP

  • can't get this to work, i tried setting up a 2nd site on port 81 and it fails to connect. the site on port 80 works fine.

  • didnt think it would be that easy lol. good video thank you

  • Modifying the file in /etc/hosts only applies to localhost, butit doesn't help for devices on the network.

  • bro you create some udemy course, you amazing.

  • This doesn’t work for me when visiting web2 it shows the contents of web1 directory, I’ve followed multiple write ups. I’ve set both the directories, disabled 000 default, ensnarled both web1 and web 2, made sure the conf is showing correct locations etc.

  • Thank you for sharing your time and talent with us. Can something similar be done with Apache / 2 websites / 1 IP / nginx as reverse proxy server

  • Hello one question a friend of mine bring to my attention was how can someone run a Datacenter a small one using one static IP and only one port 80 but having multiple hardware web servers ?

    Edit: What I mean is that there are 4 servers not virtual machines but full servers sharing one IP address and with a router can only do one port 80.

  • Hello is it possible to do a video on explaining how we can add our domains to this server? So they can be pointed to the right folder please?


  • can someone explain why someone would even use the "proxypass" option with two different ports (for example 8080 and 8081)? You could just do the steps provided in this video and use the "ServerName" option in the apache file…
    or am I missing something?

  • Very informative, thanks!

  • Loved this video. I think I understood most of this and was able to do everything you showed in docker. Is there any way I can make website1 and website2 accessible via localhost on specific ports that are different from each other?

  • Sometimes, you read through doc and scratch your head – videos like this make everything simple to grasp and make you ready to then more easily understand the documentation. Thanks a lot mate 😉

  • Thanks you a lot ! This helped me a lot 🙂 clear and easy. Perfect tuto 😀

  • This is not working can anyone please help me
    I'm learning

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