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Witness the miracle in Crypto History!
Royal Q (Royal Quantitative) incepted in 2017, is a one-stop intelligent quantitative strategy trading platform, focuses on artificial intelligence quantitative trading that provides users with personalized trading strategies. Any ordinary person with no prior knowledge in trading can use this BOT. Royal Q BOT can trade for you hands-free 24/7 and deliver significant average daily trading profit between 0.5% ~ 5% or more. Most importantly you can be worry free because your trading funds are save in your own Binance account, 100% in your control and profit is guaranteed.

Below Are Beginners Complete Guides:

Step 1: Create Your Binance Account:

Binance Referral Link (enjoy 10% rebate on trading fees):

Step 2: Sign Up Your Royal Q Account:
Referral ID: TW44D (If you already have an introducer, kindly get back to your introducer for the referral ID).

Step 3: Deposit Fund Into Royal Q Account:

Step 4: Activate Your Royal Q Account:

Step 5: Binding Your Royal Q Account With Binance Exchange (Updated 23 Jul 2021):
Group IP Address:

Step 6: Sync Strategy and Earn Hands-Free with JDWINNER Copy Trade:

Sync Strategy Circle: JDWINNER (ID: 1146)
Sync Strategy JDWINNER SYNC STRATEGY Telegram Community:

Other Resources:
Why Choose JDWINNER Sync Strategy:
Royal Q App Latest Features Explanation:
Sync Strategy Most Frequently Ask Question (Updated):

For further enquiries reach out at

Join us and be part of the fastest growing team,

Who is Dr. John David?
He is an Entrepreneur, Investor, Inventor, International Speaker, Bitcoin & Blockchain Evangelist and Trader. He is a subject matter expert in Forex Trading (currency and commodity) and Crypto Leverage Trading utilizing Quantitative Martingale Strategy in his trading for many years. Check more about him here:

Be Richly Blessed!
“Advocating Financial Inclusion, Equalization & Economic Freedom”

This is not a hype channel! We share genuine information and data that has been proven and tested. The trading performance varies between hands-on (manual), hands-free (Copy Trade) and, or hybrid (Hands-on + Hands-Free) options. Results is not typical! Individual results varies based on Trading Fund, First Order Amount, Number of Coins, Emotions and the most prevalence is the volatility of the Crypto Market.

Past performance does not guarantee any future results therefore, you are adviced to perform your own due diligence and understand fully the platform, risks and rewards associated before participating.

The contents presented in this channel are copyright of Wealthmakers Alliance. If who wish to use the content, kindly reach out at for permission. Your cooperation and support would be highly appreciated.

#RoyalQ #JDROYALQGLOBAL #WealthmakersAlliance #JDWealthMaker #CryptoAIBot #CapitalGainTradingBot #JohnDavid #Bitcoin #BTC #HODL


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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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