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Apple cancelled this, now what?

Thanks to ASUS for sponsoring today’s video! Check out the ASUS WiFi 6E routers featured in the video:
ZenWiFi Pro ET12:

🎁 Join the giveaway to win your worry-free WiFi:

Without Apple, how we connect our devices to the internet wirelessly could have looked very different. Now, the only way you can is without them.



0:00 Apple’s iBook & Airport brought Wi-Fi to the masses
0:53 My Airport Setup
2:13 Apple from years past
2:59 The Solution: Wi-Fi
4:20 1st Gen Airport in 2023
5:36 Wi-Fi routers nowadays
6:40 Apple did mesh networking first
7:52 Goodbye, Apple Airport


mac address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

35 thoughts on “Apple cancelled this, now what?

  • My dad works for an internet and tv provider called mediacom. One time he got called because someone's internet was not working at all. He went to the house and he told me they were using this apple thing. He didn't know what to do because they had no idea what to even do with it or, even figure out a way to fix it. He just gave them a newer modem.

  • I loved the look of those old clamshell iBooks and sadly never had one. 🙁
    It'd be so cool to see some madman make a sleeper laptop or somehow rig a Mac Mini into one. –IF that would even be possible.

  • I’ve installed many many mesh networks with Apple express 15 years ago. Still people using them only for music. If Apple would have opened the protocol and allowed Spotify to stream they would’ve been bigger than Sonos at this.
    In my opinion mesh was and still is slow compared to just have a cable to every transmitter. At least in the cities where the frequencies are full.

  • I used the second gen Airport(White) because it had a dial up modem and I was the only one on the network(on first a Casio, then Compaq PDA). I may have used it once on an old PC laptop, but then we got cable internet(and upgraded to a Linksys router).

  • honestly for majority of the people in the world, having any connection to the internet at all is already great and good enough. cant believe that most Americans need even faster net higher than 500mbps

  • You missed one feature which I saw nobody else at the time with built-in dial up modem. There was even a model that somebody managed to figure out that they could swap the modem for an ISDN modem. The $80 price tag for the wireless card or was it 120 I can't remember was kind of steep but it worked well in my iBook G4 14 inch. Later I decided to go with the airport unit as I wasn't sure what kind of Internet I would have dial up or cable or DSL. We ended up with cable but it was nice to have the thought of a back up. Then when I did retire it I thought well this could be useful if I end up at some remote location where I need temporary Internet and Dial up is the only option. There was another feature dial in which I have been trying to Test and not getting too far with. Not sure if it's my cable void modem or a misconfiguration I've kind of got it to work once. Another feature that was left out a lot of these things were some of the first devices to have built-in POE support and straddle the line between Consumers and industrial.

  • I get a fraction of your 440mbps, it's max is about 10mbps 🙁

  • Though somewhat off topic.. but not…
    Heres a story of a mac clam…
    I worked in Hitech Audio , Installing and commissioning (90's-00's At the time) , high end post production systems , and at one of my clients, everyone went home, but one of the heads of the production company, basically I needed to get this big setup online… . so he stayed around to lock up until id completed, so the system was all go the next day for their clients.
    As we both do the bro handshake, and say bye bye, he was packing things into the trunk of his car in the Loading bay…. As I had "Visitor" parking across the road, as Im getting in, I noticed the iBook clam on the driveway behind his car, as he put it down while loading his trunk (i know… Stooopid!) into a big az fk, BMW sedan…. Him Reversing , At that point I yelled and waved, but I guess he though I was just , well, saying another goodbye….
    He reversed over it…. With both passenger side wheels…. Back, then front…..
    Simply, without going into the moments following, lets just say, we both stood around it , thinking , Cmon…Please boot.. but for sure the screens gonna be toast..

    Nope…. .Booted, no screen issues, the analogy of it was just like water off a ducks back………..That situation was experienced by two people, thus it is fact.
    Thats the legend of the iBook Clam Shell… Well.. in that world anyway…. 😉

  • I loved the airport with built in modem. Best device of the time before the farm got high speed internet.

  • OMG in eastern europe I use 1GB for years! 😀 I's not even expensive compared to the local usual salary.

  • I got my Comcast Router/Modem and service upgraded to one gig per second recently. Even with Wifi Six AX, I can only get 500 to 600 megabits on Wifi Six AX devices at best. It's still up to 200 megabits per second faster than Wifi 5 Wirelessly, but, you can only get one gig per second if its directly plugged in to your device via a Lan cable or Usb3 adaptor which has a Lan socket. Not many Laptops carry Lan ports these days. Not very practical to set multipule sockets for Lan in a rental. Lol

  • The 2024 MacBooks, iPads, Mac mini, Mac studio and the iPhone 16 are supposed to support the WiFi 7 (802.11be EHT). Only one problem: routers that support this new standard costs a literal fortune. Yikes.

  • I remember my wife walking in the door after work, whereupon I presented her with a brand new iBook and proceeded to wave my hand around it to demonstrate the lack of wires. Amazing! Of course, I also remember punchcards, 300 baud modems, and Netscape.

  • I just got 1 gig fiber couple weeks ago. 1 gig up and down. iPhone 13pro max maxes out around 820 up.

  • This video is what inspired me to get an old Airport Express to act as a wifi extender to my grandparent's home internet solution. I wanted to spend as little money as possible so I got one used for 10 bucks and a 30 dollar powerline networking kit. Now i have wifi in a part of the house that didn't have wifi before.

  • WiFi 7 is already out been out tp link has WiFi 7 been out for a few months

  • still have a bunch of 10-year-old airport express powering ceiling wireless speakers in the house. these things are tough, and actually cost-effect solutions 10 years ago.

  • The AirPort Express was such a useful and easy to set up product. Especially compared to the other products available at the same time.

  • We got our first Wi-Fi router in 2006 when we got fiber internet. At first the only Wi-Fi devide we had was my mom's Celeron M based Fujitsu Siemens Amilo laptop which was basically the family computer. In 2007 my mom got a Nokia E65 smartphone with Wi-Fi, at some point we also got a PCI Wi-Fi card for a PC located in a different building.
    My first device with Wi-Fi was my HP Compaq Mini 110c netbook in 2009 and my first smartphone with Wi-Fi was an old Nokia N93 in late 2010 or early 2011. In 2011 I also bought a Nokia N810 Internet Tablet which is a small Linux based handheld

    I've never had any Apple routers etc.

  • I got a set of 4 google wi-fi's for $100 used on marketplace, they look nice and minimal, and i guess in theory they should go up to a gig, though i'm in new tork on a volunteer network so 100 down is as fast as i can realistically get. Still use airport expresses for speakers around the house

  • I lust after the handle on that MacBook, or was it an ibook?

  • First time viewer, loved this video. I’ve been a sys admin for 25 years and for the last 10 years focused on ultra low latency networking for financial trading.

    You didn’t put a foot wrong here, it was entertaining, factually accurate right down to the back stories for WaveLAN. Nobody remembers that!

    I’m still laughing at Apple championing early Wi-Fi standard and leading the way for consumer adoption by managing to shrink a Wi-Fi adapter down to a PCMCIA Wi-Fi card, then insisting you have to take your laptop apart to install it under the keyboard! They’ve never changed. Aesthetics first, “ugly” but really useful PCMCIA slot on the side, never.

  • My step-father traveled around the world to conferences in the 90s showing this stuff.

  • I use an old Airport Express, bought of eBay for next to nothing, to add Airplay to my home hi-fi. Use a few and you can create hi-definition multiroom audio experience on a budget that integrates with your iPhone and Mac seamlessly

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