Apple M3 Revealed — 16 Cores + iGPU + 128GB RAM — The Future of CPUs? — RTS 10-31-23

Apple has a BEAST of an APU (CPU+GPU) here, is this the future of CPUs in general? Join us today as we talk about the future!
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00:00:00 Apple M3 Revealed — 16 Cores + iGPU + 128GB RAM — The Future of CPUs? — RTS 10-31-23
00:21:09 Super Chats
00:36:12 14″Apple Products
00:40:15 iPad Prices
00:50:09 MacOS
00:55:17 Super Chats
01:03:54 Why you should upgrade your Zen 1, Zen +, Zen 2 to a 5700X
01:05:50 i9-990K prices today on Ebay
01:14:52 Super Chats
01:17:00 Thank you to VIP Urcdkeys for sponsoring this video – Check video description for more information
01:22:26 Newegg GPU Trade in Program
01:43:08 Super Chats
01:56:43 What Rogue is Mrs. Tech Deals
02:02:08 Thank you Tech Deals
02:08:18 Universal Truth
02:13:52 Super Chats
02:26:23 Poll – 4790K + 5080 good idea
02:31:13 Crazy Restaurant Rules
02:35:50 Super Chats


by Tech Deals

linux foundation

20 thoughts on “Apple M3 Revealed — 16 Cores + iGPU + 128GB RAM — The Future of CPUs? — RTS 10-31-23

  • @2:10:09 the fact that you have to put a trigger warning following that statement afterwards is just a reflection of the crazy times we live in today. 10 or 20 years ago no one would have batted an eye

  • Hey tech 7800x3d and i5 13600k is same price in my country which should I buy ? Not a fan of AMD tho

  • 8 GB RAM on Mac OS is completely different than 8GB on Windows,it’s because Mac OS structure is completely different,it utilises memory very differently.

    Mac OS is based on Unix,it’s extremely powerful system yet very efficient.

    as someone who has a RTX4090+ AMD 7800X3D and 32GB DDR5 gaming PC,I see ZERO performance issues in my 2020 MACBOOK AIR M1 8GB Ram.
    It’s my daily machine and I absolutely love using it.
    I’ve had many Windows laptops including Surface and none of them could match the quality,reliability and performance of the Mac.

  • Life time PC desktop user here. New to mac since 1,5 year. Got a 9900k, 32gb, ram gaming pc and a m1 14 pro mac. My m1 is the only LAPTOP i ever used that did not make me want to cry and scream over how slow and loud it was, how bad the track pad was and how they always where out of battery. PC desktop is a different storry. For desktop PC is fine but my m1 is much faster than my 9900k for code compile and surfing. It is not even close. It is also more quite. And only 16gb of ram has never ben a problem. Sure its a little bit newer but still.

  • That MAC is a ripoff👎 Never been a Mac fan and never will

  • I think it's definitely okay to drink human milk as an adult.

  • Great stream all. The M3 is interesting, and I think it gives a sneak peak at what Nvidia could do with their own line of ARM-chips. I'm fine with Nvidia wanting to make CPUs, because now we'll have three major companies making CPUs and GPUs -Intel, AMD, and Nvidia-. More of course if you count Apple and others. But Apple also doesn't really care about video games, and it hasn't been a focus for them in many years. I'd even argue that, back in the heyday of Windows/Apple PCs pre-2000, Apple didn't particularly care then, and the fact that most games played at all before dedicated chips and processors came out with games in mind.

  • 43:52 thank you for being honest as people let their feelings trump fact. Windows to the masses is similar to Macbooks to it's users. It doesn't matter how go the alternative is they will simply never consider it because of the ecosystem, immersion and familiar user interface. Does not matter how predatory apple is in terms of upgradability people will still buy iphones and macbooks. Does not matter how better linux is people will still choose windows.

  • 🤨 8 TB gen4 NVMe SSD costs around $800 to $1000 USD at retail and Apple wants to charge you $2200 for it. Wow.

  • 5k for an Apple chip that will be slower than Intel and AMD by next or this year. Just to wait for another 5k M4 model…. Lolol nah.

  • Apple is a very greedy company, we need competition for Windows laptops with productive Arm chips and comparable cost-effectiveness and performance for less money.

  • Thank you for an interesting conversation! I like the Macbook pro, but it's very overpriced. In 2023/2024, the base models were supposed to be in the following configurations – m3 16 Gb ram and 1Tb SSD, M3 pro 12 core cpu 20 gpu 32/2Tb, m3 max 16 core cpu and 30 gpu and 48 GB RAM/2TB SSD in base model. In this case, I would buy this laptop for the base price. I also agreed to pay an additional $300 for the m3 max model 16 cpu 40 gpu 64 gb ram and 2tb ssd.The amount of RAM is very important – since it is also used for GPU.

  • The best part of this stream was when Tech asked Rogue to tell the TV story 1:54:25 then proceeded to tell the story himself and Rogue mimes him the entire time. 😂😂😂

  • All my desktop/laptop that are older than 5 years run Linux (Ubuntu), they run MUCH BETTER than W10. All my file server/NAS run on Debian don't even bother with the expensive Windows server.

  • My My Daily Driver is still an i7-7700K. I also have an i7-8700 (non-K), that I run as a media server. That MB supports an i9-9900K. So, I'm going to upgrade to an i9-9900K, and sell the i7-7700K. I'll be good for AT LEAST another 5-years.

  • It just works, just like the PCs I build.

  • Tech's unhinged rambling at the start is gold

    As for the water to body ratio, I'd put it down to "if you stand on the opposite bank, can you see what washed up?" As a good measurement for the ratio.

    People will swim 150 meters away from a crimescene on a beach just fine, but with a lake they wouldn't touch it for days.

  • 2024 will be hard, im going to be choosing between rtx 40 super or the iphone 16

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