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Application Hosting on Cisco Catalyst 9000 Switches on TechWiseTV

Learn more about Cisco Catalyst 9000 Switching Family:

Why would you ever want to run applications on your network switch? You will if you have a Cisco Catalyst 9000 switch.

The Cisco Catalyst 9000 switch family is built on the x86 architecture, all running the same open Cisco IOS XE OS with Linux under the covers. With support for native Docker applications, the Cisco Catalyst 9000 provides a unique platform for running a multitude of specific Docker apps that can make your job easier. Things like:

• Automatically logging and reporting any configuration changes between running and previous versions.
• Showing every Layer 3 hop between source and destination, and pinging continuously to validate packet loss with a specific hop.
• Running third-party applications that can act as an endpoint measuring packet loss, latency, and jitter on any path.

See and hear how application hosting on the Cisco Catalyst 9000 switch family is providing intelligence at the network edge—to help make your job easier.



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