Apt vs Yum: What’s the Difference | LinuxSimply
When it comes to package management, Apt and Yum stand out as two major players in the world of Linux package managers. But what differences do they have if they both serve the same purpose,i.e., management of repositories in Linux. This video on “Apt vs Yum: What’s the Difference” is here to reveal all the secrets between these two core package manager tools in Linux and explore how they differ from each other.
Apt, or Advanced Package Tool, is a powerful package management system used in Debian-based Linux distributions. Renowned for its simplicity and efficiency, Apt simplifies the installation, updating, and removal of software packages. With a vast repository of packages, it’s a cornerstone for managing software on Debian, Ubuntu, and related systems. On the other hand, Yum, or Yellowdog Updater Modified, is a robust package management tool designed for Red Hat-based Linux distributions. Recognized for its reliability, Yum streamlines the process of installing, updating, and removing software packages. With access to extensive repositories, Yum plays a pivotal role in maintaining software on systems like CentOS and Fedora.
💡Key Topics Covered:
1. Understanding what are apt and yum, their features and functions.
2. Exploring the key differences between apt and yum.
3. Practical demonstrations of managing apt packages and repositories in Ubuntu command line terminal.
4. Practical demonstrations of managing yum packages and repositories in Red-hat command line terminal.
5. Exploring the pros and cons of apt and yum.
6. Understanding whether apt is better than yum and vice versa.
7. Exploring the similarities between apt and yum.
Discover the strengths and weaknesses of each package manager as I delve into their unique features, usage, advantages, similarities and when to use each. Whether you’re a Debian or Red Hat user, this video provides valuable insights into apt and yum, helping you make informed choices for your system. For more Linux content, subscribe to our channel. 🐧✨
Content Index
0:00 Introduction
0:20 What is Apt?
0:44 What is Yum?
1:03 Differences Between Apt and Yum
1:56 Managing Yum Packages and Repositories
2:05 A. Search for a Package with Yum
2:32 B. Update Packages with Yum
2:54 C. Remove Package with Yum
3:20 D. Handle Repository with Yum
4:45 Managing Apt Packages and Repositories
4:55 A. Searching for a Package with Apt
5:22 B. Update Packages with Apt
5:40 C. Remove Package with Apt
6:04 D. Handle Repository with Apt
7:14 Pros and Cons of Apt and Yum
8:11 What Are the Advantages of Yum Over Apt?
8:58 What Are the Advantages of Apt Over Yum?
9:40 Similarities Between Apt and Yum
Instructor Details
Ayesha Tun Nashrah
Editor Details
MD. AL Nahian Aume
Read Full Article:
Apt Vs Yum [Difference Between the Package Managers]
Commands Used:
Managing Yum Packages and Repositories:
A. Search for a Package with Yum
sudo yum search postgresql
B. Update Packages with Yum
sudo yum update
C. Remove Package with Yum
sudo yum remove postgresql16
D. Handle Repository with Yum
sudo yum repolist
sudo yum install -y yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager –add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
sudo yum repolist all
sudo yum-config-manager –disable docker-ce-stable
sudo yum repolist all
Managing Apt Packages and Repositories
A. Search for a Package with Apt
sudo apt search zfs
B. Update Packages with Apt
sudo apt update
C. Remove Packages with Apt
sudo apt remove vlc
D. Handle Repository with Apt
wget -qO – http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | sudo apt-key add –
sudo add-apt-repository ‘http://deb.opera.com/archive.key’
sudo add-apt-repository –remove ‘https://deb.opera.com/archive.key’
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