Arch Linux Install and Dual Boot with Windows 10 (UEFI) | Step by Step w/ Networking | 2021 Tutorial

Arch Linux Install and How to Dual Boot with Windows 10 (UEFI) this is a Step by Step Guide/Tutorial that will show you how to install Arch Linux and Dual Boot it with Windows 10. This is intended for users who need a guide/tutorial to follow that’s in depth. There’s many steps to this, but if done right you can have Arch Linux and Windows 10 both on the same system. You simply get a choice at the beginning of boot in the GRUB menu to chose between which one you want to launch. Arch Linux in 2021.

This install will require some intermediate knowledge of linux commands in a terminal. A great reference is the Arch Linux wiki page which has install instructions and we’ll base the install off their suggested installation procedure. If you get lost or need more information please refer to their documentation: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide

Since Arch Linux takes a while to install and there’s plenty of chances to mess up I suggest you get comfortable by doing the install on a virtual machine before moving onto another system. It will help you better understand where you went wrong in your install and easily start over. Also make sure to always backup all your data before starting an install like this!
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We’ll go through the following steps in the video:
1. Setup our Windows 10 environment by shrinking a volume.
1. Download Arch Linux
2. Create a bootable Arch Linux disk out of a usb/cd/dvd in Windows 10
3. Install Arch Linux on a system of your choice (VirtualBox, computer, server)
4. Detect and create the ability to dual boot using the Arch Linux Install
5. Setup netctl for networking and an internet connection

Useful Links
ArchLinux Download: https://www.archlinux.org
ArchLinux Wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org
ArchLinux Install: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide
Create Bootable Linux Image: https://www.balena.io/etcher/
Alternative Bootable Disk Creator: https://unetbootin.github.io
ArchLinux Install Help: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_guide

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by SavvyNik

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