Arch Linux Installation Guide (Best on YouTube!)
You asked for it, here it is, Full Arch Linux installation guide.
High level overview
0. Download your iso
1. Boot from the .iso (either in VirtualBox or by making a bootable USB)
2. Partition your disks
3. Format your disks (ext4 for boot and root)
4. Mount your disks
5. pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware vim
6. Generate your fstab file genfstab -U /mnt export to /mnt/etc/fstab
7. Chroot into Arch arch-chroot /mnt
8. Install grub and network manager pacman -S networkmanager grub
9. Make network manager run at startup systemctl enable NetworkManager
10. Configure Grub grub-install /dev/sda && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
11. set password for root user
12. Configure local and timezone
13. exit chroot, unmount, and reboot into your arch environment
14. Enjoy a feeling of superiority and bully people who use Ubuntu.
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by Mental Outlaw
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Mine’s stuck at the internet part… it’s pinged over 200 times now
Thank you
Listen, if you insist on using VIM why not just stick to windows 95 as well lol. And, mention spaces and special characters in commands too . Backslash, Forward slash, Space….seee easy! In all seriousness, thank you for your help.
thats the worst tutorial i've ever seen. bro i am a beginner and don't know what u r doing. tell me which keys you are pressing everytime i have to search for a solution. and now i am at a point where i cant search the solution bc the problem ist not describable. FUCK YOU. I HATE LINUX
Great tutorial! Very simple and dumbs it all down even for advanced users.
This tutorial still works in 2023, thanks! Did the trick for me, while others didn't and man, seing that neofetch output really is something XD
I can not believe that linux is less then 1GB
there's no reason to hurt my newbie self by calling nano a dirty bullshit😅
how tf do i take a screenshot
how tf do I stop it from pinging
great tutorial and all but i tried installing to a live usb with a vm and now the usb doesnt show up in bios when i want to boot. wtf do i do now. every article online leads to nothing so idk anymore.
Arch, the Dunning-Kruger distro.
10/10 installation walkthrough, made me 100x more insufferable. I’m only rivaled by my vegan and cyclist friends.
Question about "locales:" why did you un-comment "en_US ISO-0059-1" along with the (ArchWiki suggested) "UTF-8"? What utility does that obtuse string serve? Anyone?
grub-install error cannot find efi directory arch linux
Aside from a few steps, I followed the tutorial exactly as instructed. Had to figure out how to get grub-install to work(had to use –efi-directory) and connect to wifi on my own(iwctl didn't quite connect it, had to use nmcli), but it worked perfectly otherwise. Thanks, local 4-eyed cat Linux man.
'I don't wanna use some dirty bullshit like Nano…'
LOL. Don't know why that made me chuckle. Now it needs an explanation. (Sincerely. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know.)
Why use bit torrent instead of the official site to download?
"Some dirty BS like nano" THANK YOU!!!
Grub opens in CLI and when i type "boot" it says "you need to load the kernel first"