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Archinstall to EASILY Install Arch Linux

Arch Linux is getting easier to install with the Archinstall script. The latest update gives us LVM management, but the whole script is pretty easy to use. Here we will walk you through the steps.
#arch #linux #archinstall

00:00 – About Arch
03:40 – Installing Arch
19:00 – Boot into OS
20:10 – Attach Discover to Repository
23:11 – Final Words

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29 thoughts on “Archinstall to EASILY Install Arch Linux

  • Arch is just another"Over hyped "linux regular distro,a lot of people inside linux bubble hate this small group,it same problem with GNU/cult years before,when Arch be forgotten,some wacko joes from Canada or USA s basements will build another distro hype and say"i use(instert distro) by the way"…

  • I wished i watched this couple of days earlier when i tried archinstall on my new thinkpad. I chose minimal install and had issues installing the desktop environment and greeter. Not a arch problem but me problem i know

  • Unfortunately it is quite buggy. Every time I use it, I'm able to "crash" it. Also it does not allow to install Arch without /boot partition.

  • ‼‼WARNING, if you are in any way into gaming or want to use wine, you should add multilib in the additional repositories section.

  • Is installing Arch really the most challenging aspect of it? People always talk about the installation as a barrier to entry for newcomers, but with that out of the way, is it then suddenly a noob-friendly distribution? Something tells me that's not the case, but I don't have the experience to be sure about it.

  • Well, well,
    Is it easy to dualboot with arch install or EndeavourOS is still the best arch based distro to dualboot?

    *Le me: using linux for 8 months. Changed distros 60 times. Tried almost every distro. Even arch (basically with EndeavourOS). Haven't touch the windows partition for like 3-4 months and still I wish to keep it.

    Hey, is there a good linux alternative to dts audio processing.

  • its a good tutorial,but im not will join the Arch cult,because its a regular distro that does not"operate Miracles",like Running Full Windows apps without wine or another "mambo jambo gumble"like this,so good luck for new Arch cult sheeps….

  • I Like OpenSuse Leap latest release and waiting for the next build which will be more exciting than now.

  • I use Garuda btw. I’ve done Arch manually and it’s not that difficult given the insane amount of info in the incredible Arch Wiki.

    I went with Garuda XFCE for the easier time with Bottles for running Windows based MMO; without the eye candy of the KDE Dragonized version. I’ve never had good luck with Wine or other “emulators”.

  • I'm still happy about the ports repo edit to get arm64 compile on x86 on mint I did yesterday.

  • A few comments from me.
    1. When in the terminal/tty you are being asked Y/n or y/N then the capitalized options is the default choice. In the case of pacman, when you install a package you don't need to enter the Y, you can simply press the "enter/return"-key and then "yes" is chosen. This just is a general convention on Linux because people are lazy and prefer to type less. 😉
    2. The LTS-kernel on Arch is only 1 year old, so LTS on Arch is not quite the same as LTS on Debian/Ubuntu.
    3. GRUB has been broken quite a few times in the last years. Many people got an unbootable system, just because GRUB broke for their hardware. In my case all of the sudden I couldn't use grub-customizer anymore, so I couldn't configure GRUUB anymore unless I changed the GRUB files myself which is rather painful. That is one reason why I couldn't use the Arch-install script, Systemdboot is not an option in the script yet but that is a lot easier for many systems and it is more stable, it is not faster though.

  • arch is supposed to be a lightweight general purpouse distro.
    I dont understand how someone could say that the only way to install is manually.

  • The text installer is pointless in a modern distro that has a GUI. It's like having a modern car with hand crank starting.

  • How to install pycharm-community (classic) on Arch Linux ? Is it possible to manage via snap on Arch Linux ?

  • What makes Arch "difficult" to install is things like partitioning the hard disk manually and getting UEFI to boot from it. Which aren't part of Arch at all, and will be the same on any other distro if you choose to set those things up manually. And following the steps in Arch's wiki might be clearer and easier than using an automagical installer that happens not to work as intended on that particular machine. I haven't ever used Archinstall so this is just my prejudice, but I think if an installer is going to go wrong it will do so during an "on metal" install, and therefore videos showing how "easy" it is… on a Virtual Machine… will be likely to miss out what's difficult. This video is really good and covers its topic perfectly, but I would say if you want to know how to install Arch Linux, don't watch videos about Arch Linux. Watch videos about UEFI and Grub and partitioning and kernel modules: and all the other topics that have headings in the manual (which you'll of course read!).

  • Can you do a video where you save the arch script and use that to do a fresh install of arch?

  • i used archinstall to install arch on my laptop last night! Very good so far, my only issue was NetworkManager service was not on when i booted up, and i had a little trouble enabling it. 9/10 experience

  • I can't wait for the day when the KDE developers disable the bouncy cursor. It's so irritating.

  • Arch is cool and all but I prefer debian based systems 😐😂

  • i use arch btw, and I have for about four to five months

  • I've only ever used Mint and Ubuntu. I'm not great at entering command lines, or any kind of code. Hence, the easier versions of Linux…

  • I use Mint and not Arch, but my hot take: I think the reason a lot of Linux people get so pissy about Archinstall is gatekeeping. They're threatened by the 'democratization' of Arch by allowing less technically capable people (I don't mean Tom) to use the distro. But if we want more people to use Linux, that means making it more available to people; not less.

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