ArchivesSpace 2.8.1 installation on Windows Server 2019 (in 15 steps)
This is a step by step video with explanations on how to get this product, ArchivesSpace, installed on Windows Server 2019 as a system service when the machine boots.
This video is not meant to be the ONLY way to install it, and this video is not mean to provide a perfect install for you because your company may have specific requirements for your deployment, however, it is my sincerest hope is that it works for those out there who really want to set this up and don’t wish to go thru the same frustrations we did.
Comments are welcome, but it is my preference that comments are positive and helpful to others. Please be courteous with any comments.
Below is a link to a text file in my account. It contains the step by step instructions from this video in text format that matches the video nearly step by step. It contains the commands I used for easy copy and pasting into your own deployment.
I have not included other links to ArchiveSpace, Microsoft Windows Server, VMware and other products simply because a good security practice to download those without the use of a link someone else provided. Instead, I walk you thru finding them in the video. That is much safer.
If your looking for the install on Ubuntu, here is my YouTube video covering that:
Please Enjoy,
windows server