ARIN General Update
ARIN is a nonprofit, member-based organization that administers IP addresses and ASNs in support of the operation and growth of the Internet. Hear from ARIN’s Chief Customer Officer on where the organization sits with IPv6 growth, IPv4 Waitlist and Transfer stats, along with other notable organizational updates.
John Sweeting: John Sweeting is the Chief Customer Officer of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), responsible for the overall development, direction and operation of the department. Prior to joining ARIN staff, he served 12 years on the ARIN Advisory Council, 6 of which he was the Chair, and 1 year on the Address Supporting Organization’s Address Council (ASO AC). John served on the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP) team which was convened in December 2014 to guide development of the Number Community response to the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group’s RFP.
Speaker: John Sweeting – ARIN