ARK: How to know your dino is HIGH STAT to MUTATION? | Breeding Deinonychus

Use : breeding 1x area (15×15 foundation)
Giga or Wyvern use?
How to know your dino is high stat to MUTATION?
this my ideal
Mutation 20/20 = +40 level (rate same bonus wild HP, SP but 5+2% AP)
demo REX(base + bonus wild):
HP 1100 + 220
SP 420 + 42
AP 100 + 5%
now use mutation 20/20:
HP 1100 + 220*40 = 9900
SP 420 + 42*40 = 2100
AP 100 + 7%*40 = 380? (+100 = 480%!)
demo egg of Deinonychus (base + bonus wild):
HP 200 + 40
SP 150 + 15
AP 100 + 5%
now use mutation 20/20:
HP 200 + 40*40 = 1800
SP 150 + 15*40 = 750
AP 100 + 7%*40 = 380 (+? @@!)
type name dino in search box
#other #ARK
Try to play online (Officical)
+ The Island: fast and easy level up by run and find note
– Too much building and them block road and note location
+ Too easy find high level dino
– Too high ping, lag (lvl 65 tame Crystal Wyvern in Crystal Isles)
– Very waste time to wait taming

but feel dino in official
always very high stat than single mode
dino level ~449 (max)
when i tame and merged and mutation up to ~ 400 level
where other 49 level?
=~48/2=14 mutation
=~14*100 eggs
=~1400 eggs
=~1500/500 limit dino
=~3 time breed?
#my #stats Deinonychus dino
Base stat:
HP 1600
SP 570
AP 385
Mutation point
HP +80 each
SP +30 each
AP +14% each
so max 20/20
HP 80*20 = 1600
SP 30*20 = 600
AP 14*20 = 280%
Easy get mutation of SP and AP (~100 eggs)
Hard get mutation of HP (~500 eggs)

# Survival Game
Minecraft + ARK Survival Evolved + Crystal Isles
Utopia Origin
+ 20 Subscriber
# Dos
1. Linux Ubuntu OS | GNOME DE:
2. Linux Mint OS | Cinnamon DE:
# Windows + Mac + Linux
1. DaVinci Resolve:
2. Audacity:
3. Gimp:
4. OBS


linux foundation

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