ARK: Tame Lightning Wyvern in Crystal Isles | Building House 40×40
info: limit building ~ 10000 unit
#My this house (still stone)
Base size: ~40×40 ceiling(=2×2 Feeding Trough), not use foundation
1st floor =~ 1600 ceiling, up 3= 4800 ceiling
All pillar =~ 1500
All gate = 4×4 = 16
All room = 2 big room (Giga, Bronto,…)
maybe add
1 small room Greenhouse to top
breeding ? when very waste time
– lagggggg when load building
– lagggggg when high ping
but all ok
hatch and raise Ragnarok Lightning Wyvern in Crystal Isles
why: i need dino to hunt Titan if it near my base (other way use Allo pack good and simple)
– no milk
fix: healing by Daeodon (need more meat, max food) ~ 15 minutes each time, feed eat stimberry to down torpidity
should use eggs with high level to more health and food
use Cryopod to hold baby when afk (or when imprinting 100% plan)
it’s not die but very long time to done
#short story
when i steal Ragnarok Lightning Wyvern
server ark get update, same way Utopia Origin
i’m wait Giga spawn after update
and yes, them spawn 1 50 level, 1 145 level
i chat to people
and 1 player with Mana jump to there
drop 1 Giga mutation and kill all wild Giga
yes, 1 player kill all resource for other player can “play”
when i want trade 1 Giga or Mana, they ask me to be “Metal Farmer”
wow i can’t tame Giga so i don’t thing they want i tame Mana
so should i to do now?
bring few eggs of Lightning Wyvern back to Crystal Isles
and start hatch it…
# Survival Game
Minecraft + ARK Survival Evolved + Crystal Isles
Utopia Origin
+ 20 Subscriber
# Dos
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# Windows + Mac + Linux
1. DaVinci Resolve:
2. Audacity:
3. Gimp:
4. OBS
by Linus PvP
linux foundation