Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

20 thoughts on “Assign Static IP Address in Windows 7 by AvoidErrors

  • Thanks for the great vids on Win 7 . It made setting up the FTP easy to understand . I have 1 questions this vid on static IVP 4 will set the nic to static for the FTP .

  • Truly an eye-opener with regards to set a static IP address for window-pc 7. Still, I have configuration issues. I am not able to get the IP address when checked on my computer using cmd then ipcofig. It is unable to recognize the IP address. So I am stuck here having synchronization issues with webmail and outlook 2007 also unable to properly install WordPress (Bitnami) on to my computer so far. It always points to web host provider IP address, not in synch. Can you please help me with this issue. Greatly will help me to get going. Thank you. Sureshbabu. 🙂

  • Thanks for giving information about how to config an IP address .
    Sir , how to config printers and scanners ?
    Those also same method ?

  • how to find username and password it isn't on my router

  • unable to assigin static ip to win 7
    every one try to chang all thing ok after click ok return to utomatically
    is problem from card driver or win7 plez help me

  • on your cmd you have connection specific dns suffix  set while mine is blank is that bad

  • i tried you step. Now every time I try to open my router settings it says duplicate administrator is managing the device. What happened?

  • Awesome, most of the other videos never said what to use for Manual DNS settings and just needed to validate it. My Xbox and PC run great with a Static IP now.

  • What if you click on DHCP Reservation and then nothing happens? I don't get the same screen as in the video.

  • i configured a static ip on dlink router the problem is youtube videos are not playing and some websites are not opening prompting error connecting to try agin later u hav any solution for this sir thank u

  • I am having the same trouble, I am getting error page

  • Am having trouble. My vpn shared connections (using 2 ethernet ports on pc) isnt working.I can only get one ethernet port to function, the other time it says identifying/unplugged and theip adress for the ehternet adapter im using for consoles says 169.254…. this is apipa in regards to the dhcp i think.
    Anyway please help.

  • i've done all the thing. but public keep changing

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