Asymmetric Encryption – Simply explained

How does public-key cryptography work? What is a private key and a public key? Why is asymmetric encryption different from symmetric encryption? I’ll explain all of these in plain English!

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by Simply Explained

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33 thoughts on “Asymmetric Encryption – Simply explained

  • Very clear and straightforward!!!! Bro you save me night!!!!

  • thanks a lot… Finally I understand.. 👍

  • What if a man in the middle creates his own public key. When Alice sends he public key the man in the middle sends to to the other guy his public key and strores Alice one. Then He does the same for Bob. Then it is not secure.

  • Thanks for the tutorial, really informative and easy to understand

  • This is the first time I actually understood this after watching many videos about it. Thx

  • It's really funny that I went through many short video but none was found an easy way to understand this concept.
    This video and the analogy of mailbox messaging made the concept more easy to understand. Thanks

  • Explain the math, please. What exactly are these keys and who makes them?

  • يارب انه تعليق بكره مابي اذاكر للكويز 🥱

  • This took years for my brain to click, it's hard to grasp when you don't have much experience (IE still in school) – but it all makes sense now 🙂 If you're struggling with this concept don't give up, it finally clicked for me after revisiting the subject once in a while

  • Bro this explanation is the most complicated and confusing explanation ive ever seen. It doesnt explain shit

  • Good content! the explanation is very easy to understand. I hope all concepts in this world has videos that explained them as good as this.

  • 1:57 and its so easy hack. not even need correct private key. only need matching key not need correct. its just 5/2=2 and reminder 1. we get reminder 1 so many way. thats how it works c= m^e mod n and m = c^d mod e. we not need d(public key) we allready have c m e n. we have public key with e and n we encrypt message we know m and c. we can reverce that math using guessed D if we get m back we found working key. not be be correct. i mean it is correct it work LOL i mean no need find 2048bit key when you open it it less only need match to get same reminders so message is decrypted. it just math

  • Are those encryptions and keys types also used by Angelic beings using scriptural keys and used by intelligent space beings using energy type keys, meaning the Ambitious Angels are very dangerous able to connect with both sides of opposites in concealment, that's why there's the 2 Witnesses or would that be 2 by 2 by 2, … I remember a song with chorus like that years ago.

  • Remember the ancient sculptures of giant Annunaki images have that 1square of 16 small squares merged with a arc like handle like a square bag, meaning they have opposites as powerful as them.

  • missing that sym encription key is send via asym encrytion with bobs asym public key.
    then both alice ajnd bob jave the same symetric key for decrypt the secret big data nessages they can send to each other safely.
    asym keys only can small data, like sending the secret symetric key.

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