Audio on Linux: The End of a Golden Age?

Audio on Linux: The End of a Golden Age? – Lars-Peter Clausen, Analog Devices

For the last 5-6 years consumer audio on Linux has a enjoyed a golden age. For new hardware chances were good that audio was working out of the box. This was the result of a combination of mostly standardized hardware and a mature software system. But due to changes in technology and market demand the hardware architecture has been rapidly changing recently.

This talk will start by looking at the history of the consumer audio support on Linux with a particular focus on the ALSA framework and related infrastructure. It will look at the major steps in the evolution of the hardware architectures, what triggered them and how they were accommodated on the software side. It will analyse why things worked so well in the recent past and then present an outlook into the future and the upcoming challenges that need to be addressed and present some potential solutions.

About Lars-Peter Clausen

Lars is a software developer working at Analog Devices. Among other things he works on Linux kernel audio device drivers and has been a contributor to the ALSA an ASoC framework. He has spoken in the past at conferences like FOSDEM or ELCE mostly about Linux kernel related subjects.


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