39 thoughts on “Automate Backup in Linux Using RSYNC & Crontab | Backup Data On Remote Server Using RSYNC

  • such a great video sir… very clear explanation… Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • hi am getting permission denied while giving command > rsync -av -e ssh……. what to do ?

  • Love it. How to do it in an Organisation when you have thousands of servers?

  • hello sir , how to remove the files after transfer automatically from the source machine

  • Great video rsync cron and basic shell script combination was great. Extremely helpful for newbies

  • How to back up file from Linux to windows machine using wsl need detailed steps 🙏

  • dude has his own clothing line, epic. so many colors to choose from…

  • Nice video.. Weldone, now remains to setup md5 checksum to confirm source and destination files, if not same.. To initiate synchronization again

  • sir like windows if our os is crashed, so we can recover files from c drive but in linux how we will do that

  • Hi sir how to delete old data after 5days

    How to write in same script after backup and than delete old data which is last 5days

  • If u want to unmount filesystem(LVM)like /, /var, /opt, /home, /tmp, /usr how u can do this unmount ? R u using single user mode for all /, /var,… etc. ?

    If u want to unmount filesystem(Normal Partition)like /, /var, /opt, /home, /tmp, /usr how u can do this unmount ? R u using single user mode for all /, /var,… etc. ?

  • If u want to unmount filesystem(LVM)like /, /var, /opt, /home, /tmp, /usr how u can do this unmount ? R u using single user mode for all /, /var,… etc. ?

    If u want to unmount filesystem(Noramal partition )like /, /var, /opt, /home, /tmp, /usr how u can do this unmount ? R u using single user mode for all /, /var,… etc. ?

  • Very nice explanation sir. And It is most important task in Any organization..

  • Hello sir
    Same process i have followed with Ubuntu 20 but did not run Crontab , i did not find rsync in usr/bin
    Please help

  • Hi Sir,
    Could you please provide me with the knowledge on what is "migrating IP from old to new host" and what happens if we do this?

  • Crystal clear explanation Nehra g i wish u were in our organization ! Keep ur great work going

  • Great video and great insight into in depth knowledge of data backup, can we do the real time sync for any file changed and can be synced for backup possibilities. Also is it possible to make the versioning of files, same like they are in the Google backup utility?

  • How to connect remote file path and copy those same at current location Linux machine

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