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AWS 189-[JAWS]-Activity – Optimize Utilization

#AWS 189-[JAWS]-Activity – Optimize Utilization

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Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide for optimizing AWS resources, specifically focusing on reducing costs by uninstalling a decommissioned local database and resizing an Amazon EC2 instance. This guide includes explanations for commands and potential challenges.

Lab Assignment: Optimize AWS Resource Utilization

Lab Overview

In this lab, you will optimize the AWS resources for the Café web application by:
1. Uninstalling a decommissioned local database to reduce storage needs.
2. Changing the instance type from `t3.small` to `t3.micro` to cut costs.

Activity Objectives

– Optimize an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance to reduce costs.
– Use the AWS Pricing Calculator to estimate AWS service costs.

Business Case Relevance

A new requirement for Café is to optimize AWS resources to reduce costs after migrating the local database to Amazon RDS.

Activity Steps

Duration: Approximately 50 minutes

Task 1: Optimize the Website to Reduce Costs

Objective: Reduce costs by uninstalling the local database and resizing the EC2 instance.

Task 1.1: Connect to the Café Instance using SSH

For Windows Users

1. Download the Key File
– Click the Details dropdown and choose “Show.”
– Click “Download PPK” to save the `labsuser.ppk` file.

2. Download and Configure PuTTY
– Download PuTTY from [PuTTY’s website]( if not already installed.
– Open `putty.exe`.
– Set “Seconds between keepalives” to 30 under Connection SSH.

3. Configure PuTTY Session
– Go to Session.
– Enter the public IP address of the CafeInstance from the AWS Management Console.
– Navigate to Connection SSH Auth, click “Browse,” and select `labsuser.ppk`.
– Click “Open” to connect.

4. Login
– When prompted, log in as `ec2-user`.

For macOS/Linux Users

1. Download the Key File
– Click the Details dropdown and choose “Show.”
– Click “Download PEM” to save the `labsuser.pem` file.

2. Set Permissions
– Open a terminal and run:
chmod 400 labsuser.pem

3. Connect Using SSH
– Find the public IP address of the CafeInstance in the AWS Management Console.
– Connect using:
ssh -i labsuser.pem ec2-user@/public-ip

– Replace `/public-ip` with the actual IP address.

Task 1.2: Connect to the CLI Host Instance

1. Open a New SSH Session
– Use the same process as above to connect to the CLI Host instance.

2. Configure AWS CLI on CLI Host
– Run:
aws configure
– Enter the credentials provided in the lab details.

Task 1.3: Uninstall MariaDB and Resize the Instance

1. Stop and Uninstall MariaDB
– In the SSH session for CafeInstance, execute:
sudo systemctl stop mariadb
sudo yum -y remove mariadb-server

2. Determine the Instance ID
– In the SSH session for CLI Host, run:
aws ec2 describe-instances
–filters “Name=tag:Name,Values= CafeInstance”
–query “Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId”
– Record the instance ID.

3. Stop the Café Instance
– Execute:
aws ec2 stop-instances –instance-ids /CafeInstance Instance ID
– Replace `/CafeInstance Instance ID` with the recorded value.

4. Change Instance Type
– Run:
aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute
–instance-id /CafeInstance Instance ID
–instance-type “{“Value”: “t3.micro”}”
– Replace `/CafeInstance Instance ID` with the recorded value.

5. Start the Café Instance
– Execute:
aws ec2 start-instances –instance-ids /CafeInstance Instance ID

6. Verify Instance Status
– Check the status with:
aws ec2 describe-instances
–instance-ids /CafeInstance Instance ID
–query “Reservations[].Instances[].[InstanceType,PublicDnsName,PublicIpAddress,State.Name]”
– Note the new Public DNS Name and Public IP Address.

7. Test the Café Website
– Open a browser and navigate to:
http:///Downsized CafeInstance Public DNS Name/cafe
– Verify that the website functions correctly.

Task 2: Use the AWS Pricing Calculator to Estimate Costs

– Size: 40 GB


by Mark Mungai Kuria

windows server dns