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AWS SES Email Setup and Send Emails 2023 | How to Send Emails using AWS SES without Coding -Tutorial

In this video, you will understand how to perform AWS SES Email Setup and Send Emails easily without any kind of technical knowledge or coding or programming language. We will use Magnetic Mailer which is a FREE Email Sending Tool built for sending AWS SES emails.

You can visit to send bulk email campaigns at free of cost and you can send emails without coding or any kind of technical knowledge.

The endpoint for subscription setup for the topic in the tutorial video is

Click on the below link to get started with Magnetic Mailer integrated with AWS SES for FREE Forever

Setup & Configuration
This is a very simple, quick & easy documentation for setting up your AWS(Amazon Web Services) SES(Simple Email Service) account and configuring the settings under MagneticMailer Panel to unlock the unlimited email sending opportunity.

Visit for complete documentation along with snapshots.

Step 1: Setup your AWS Account

Step 2: Amazon Simple Email Service(SES) Setup
– Step 2a: Identity Verification
– Step 2b: Production Access

Step 3: Simple Notification Service(SNS) Setup
– Step 3a: Topic Setup for SNS
– Step 3b: Subscription Setup for Topic
– Step 3c: Subscription Setup for Topic
– Step 3d: Confirm Subscription
– Step 3e: Setup Configuration sets
– Step 3f: Define Event Detination 1
– Step 3g: Define Event Destination 2

Step 4: IAM User Creation
– Step 4a: Define Username
– Step 4b: Create UserGroup
– Step 4c: Create & Download AccessKeys

That’s it. AWS SES Account Setup is done.

Step 5: Configure the Settings in MagneticMailer
– Navigate to the Settings Tab in MagneticMailer Panel.
– Enter the Access Key and the Access Secret Key that was downloaded from the IAM Console.
– Enter the AWS availability zone/ region. You can find this on top right corner in the AWS Panel. If it is Mumbai, then you need to enter “ap-south-1”
– Enter the SES Configuration Set Name. You can find this under Amazon SES Panel.
– Enter the “From” Email id. This should be a verified email or should be a part of the verified domain name.
– You can enter any “from name” and click on submit.

Test the settings by entering your email id in the below testing panel on the settings page.

You can now send AWS SES Emails without doing any kind of coding or without knowing any programming language.

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by Magnetic Mailer

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15 thoughts on “AWS SES Email Setup and Send Emails 2023 | How to Send Emails using AWS SES without Coding -Tutorial

  • This video is gold, thank you! Ive tried Hostwinds and HostGator, however Cloudways with TST20 c oupon is the real money-saver.

  • This video is gold, thank you! Ive tried Hostwinds and HostGator, however Cloudways with TST20 c oupon is the real money-saver.

  • Hi what should we reply to this mail which is from AWS
    "For example, tell us how often you send email, how you maintain your recipient lists, and how you manage bounces, complaints, and unsubscribe requests. It is also helpful to provide examples of the email you plan to send so we can ensure that you are sending high-quality content that recipients will want to receive."

  • Can you provide use case describetion for verify over request production access so it can very helpful

  • How do I send the mail to myself? when Im clicking on send test mail it has no send to addresss option! This option used to be before

  • Sir can we send 50000 email from first day of installation of SES,.? Or it will take time for IP warm up?

  • Message rejected: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region US-EAST-2 for ( smtp setting) Any help

  • i have verified email address and not URL, then how to request for production access without URL

  • Liked + Subscribed + All bells Bros!
    May I know what email domain provider You are using?

    As I know, some email domain provider such as Private Email do not support for sending email MKT. Do I need to use G-suite for email domain bros?

    Thanks so much!

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