AWS Tutorials: Deploy Python Application on AWS EC2 (Permanent Running)
Hello, Guys, I am Spidy. I am back with another video.
In this video, I am showing you how you can deploy Python Streamlit App on AWS EC2.
Deploy the Same App with your Own Custom Domain –
—————– Commands —————–
Commands are based on Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
# Installation Commands
sudo su
yum update
yum install git
git clone [YOUR Repository]
cd [YOUR Repository]
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run commands
python3 -m streamlit run
# Run permanent
nohup python3 -m streamlit run
[Close Terminal, app will run as a service for permanent]
# Stop Application
ps -ef (Get process ID from here)
kill [id]
Note: If you want me to solve your errors and make the project run into the system, I will do it using a remote desktop, and it will be paid. You can reach me at for your queries.
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by Machine Learning Hub
linux http server
Can i run the server even if my pc is off.
Hi i need training help..
can you please provide guideline on how to use aws to deploy ai model for iOS application
Very nice and clear.. god bless you mate… love from London!
Thanks for the video. However when you close the Terminal and you try to access the App Url some minutes later, it will be already not available anymore (This site can't be reached. Connection refused). How can we make that it'll be available even hours or days after closing the Terminal?
I have a fastAPI web application, whose port number for localhost deployment is 8000. So, am I supposed to keep my Port range as 8000 only? (6:42) | Please help
bare in mind if you are using windows 10 or newer you have access to ssh commands in the terminal
Such a great video, finally find what I am looking for
how to enable the https access?
can we use gitlab instead if github?
Can we do this using boto3?
my goat
Totally confused
Didn't understand
issue is resolved thank u sir for sharing this useful knowledge
actually I did this tutorial but I got error at last setp
Hi Spidy, thank you for the video, it was really really great. I learned a lot by this material. I just have a question, there is anyway to schedule the code? I have a python code that cat some web product prices and send me by email, and i`m looking to way to do it continualy, like a three times a day, i think it is possible by using aws, but i don`t know how. Can you help me? Thank you a lot
Simple explanation about python app hosting in aws by cloning source code from git account.
Can you please paste here the contents of your requirement.txt file
I'm useless. I have the python script running in the vm but I can't get to connect to it from the browser
Thank you evet much❤
for requirement file, How do I know the correct version of the packages I imported. sometimes different version will cause issues
Really great video! For some reason after running the first copied command (The chmod400 command) in the terminal I receive the following error: "The term 'chmod' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program"
Any idea why?
Thank you very much for helping me with this. I haven't seen better material on this topic yet
When I wrote requirements.txt command it shows no such a directory or file
What I should do