Basic commands of Linux OS | CentOS 7-8 Basic commands | cat commands | Create a directory in Linux
Hello guys, In this video we will learn about the Basic commands of Linux operating system used in real scenario.
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: How to open Terminal [in Graphical System]?
1 Right click on desktop and click on open terminal.
2 Click on application and system tool and terminal.
3 Alt key + F2 and type gnome-terminal
• [root@localhost ~]# = It means we are logged in root user.
• [abc@localhost ~]$ = It means we are logged in basic users.
root = logged in user.
@ = syntax.
Localhost = pc name or system name or hostname.
~ = current working directory.
# or $ = permission of user.
# = root user.
$ = basic user
It is a command and vim editor is a powerful text editor used in CLI [Command Line Interface]. Linux uses a lot of configuration files, you’ll often need to edit them and vim is a great tool to do so. It is a upgraded version of vi.
There are three modes:-
1. Insert mode:-
Insert mode is used to insert text in a document. The shortcut is i [insert text where the cursor is] or o [insert text at the beginning of the following line].
2. Command mode:-
Command mode where you give commands to the editor to get things done. Press ESC for command mode [enter in the command mode].
3. Execute mode:-
Execute mode is known as vi last line mode. You can only get to last line mode from command mode and you get into last line mode by pressing the : [colon key].
You can type :-
:q = for quitting a file without save.
:w = only save not quit.
:wq = save and quit.
:wq! = save and forcefully quit.
If you want to full screen on terminal press window key + up arrow.
centos 7