6 thoughts on “Basic Openstack Administration Part 11 – Openvswitch Use in Openstack (br-int, br-ex, br-tun)

  • I may add that OF-Config anf Ovsdb client are two protocols that are use to configure Openflow switch before the switch start to exchange with the controller.

  • Does it mean, say if you have 1 controller node and 7 compute nodes, all the incoming and outgoing public traffic for all the VMs are going thru that 1 controller node (which has the neutron)? If controller node dies, will other compute nodes still work (say a public website hosting in the VM)?

  • thanks dola nice explanation,well done …Eagarly waiting for your next video

  • Thx dola good info on ovs….! please share a video how to upload windows iso image on openstack..whenever i try launch its failing with no valid hosts error or block device mapping failed…much appreciate if you share your inputs on this. Thx once again

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