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BASICS OF CORPORATE DEBT: Understanding How Companies Raise Money – MNO EPISODE 118 CLIP

As much time as I spend talking about debt on this show, I wanted to make sure that we got the full gambit of the types of debt that there are and why they are important. This MNO CLIP is dedicated to the idea of corporate debt, what it is, and why it is relevant to us in our personal lives. At its core, corporate debt and consumer debt are little different other than they way in which the debt is packaged and the personal liability involved. Though corporate debt is the cheapest way for a corporation to fund their operations, I still think that it can be a slippery slope that can lead to financial weakness over the long-term. This said, many FANTASTIC companies are properly levered, and I have no problem with that. I just don’t ever want debt to creep into your mind if you are a small business owner or do hold the liability of having to pay it all back on your shoulders.

This clip comes from: CORPORATE VS. CONSUMER DEBT: The Role Of Debt In Our Lives – MNO EPISODE 118 (

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(Please keep in mind that I am not a financial advisor. I create these videos for educational purposes only. You and only you are responsible for the investment decisions that you make.)


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