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Basics of IP Address-Hindi/Urdu | Lec-03 | Microsoft azure tutorials | az-104 & az-900 videos

Lec-03 in this lecture,i am explaining the concepts of IP Address and other related things like network id,subnet mask,broadcast id and host id.

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ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

20 thoughts on “Basics of IP Address-Hindi/Urdu | Lec-03 | Microsoft azure tutorials | az-104 & az-900 videos

  • Hats off Sir, I am glad that I found you on YouTube.. Buniyaad is best. I hope you complete this whole series and after this series then PLease start AZ-500

  • sir AWS ka start kro.. want to join.

  • Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks sir you are the best

  • Sir please upload more videos in Python series.

  • Sir pls start python series. Also in cka series a lot of things skipped, like ingress, headless, rback, CNE, and many more.

  • Ye insaan alag hi level ka hai.
    One of the greatest guy i have seen on youtube.
    Sir you deserve a big platform. Go for something big that whole nation needs to know.

  • Hello sir first of thank you 🙏🙏🙏 for effort.

    I have been completed linux tutorial for my database job,.
    Can u link me the linux book as you told on linux tutorial no-5.
    I always be grateful to you sir.

  • kya bt h ek ghante mein itna acha response keep going guyz n sir ap b roz 3 se 4 videos upload krde

  • TG…. Please do videos on sonarqube, Prometheus, ansible dynamic inventory Its and request please please

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