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Best Cheap Dedicated Server Hosting Plans 🔥 Top 3 Picks for 2021

This video covers the top 3 best cheap dedicated server hosting plans available on the internet in 2021, as well as the benefits of each hosting plan.
1️⃣👉 HostGator –
2️⃣👉BlueHost –
3️⃣👉 A2Hosting –

Best Cheap Dedicated Server Hosting Plans – Top 3 Picks for 2021 transcript below:
Hello everyone Carson here and today I am going to be telling you the top three dedicated hosting server providers on the market right now. Now in case you’re unfamiliar with what dedicated hosting is essentially dedicated hosting is where you get your very own custom server at the hosting companies base is very similar to a VPS, or virtual private server, except for the fact that it’s an actual server. It’s not just a virtual amount of dedicated resources toward your server, it is an actual entire server, which is dedicated entirely to you.

Now, I do need to preface this by saying that dedicated servers are definitely more expensive than pretty much any other plan you can find with a few exceptions. So this is definitely for a bigger company or someone who’s looking to invest a lot of work into their resource and who receives a lot of traffic as a result. If you are interested in reading some more details, though, or receiving special discounts. Go ahead and check out my link to all three of these providers in the description. Also just reminder to leave a like subscribe and hit that notification bell. And now let’s get into the review. Now the first dedicated hosting provider I want to talk about is called hostgator.

Hostgator is an industry standard and one of my top three favorite web hosting companies of 2021. And they provide great dedicated hosting plans. their plans start at around 8998 per month, and you get a four core eight thread CPU, eight gigabytes of RAM and a one terabyte HDD hard drive. Now if you do buy a more expensive plan with them, you get to choose between an HDD hard drive and an SSD, which essentially just makes your hosting even faster. Overall, I think Hostgator offers very great services as a dedicated server provider. They offer unmetered bandwidth, and you get to choose between Linux or Windows for your server. So a lot of hosting providers will only offer one or the other.

So the fact that they offer those options is very nice. Now they also give you 1% server control and if you do need it, they offer managed dedicated hosting as well, which basically means they’re going to help walk you through the setup and management of your dedicated server, which is incredibly good. And this is why Hostgator earns their top spot on my top three list. The next company I want to talk about is Bluehost, whose dedicated server plans start at 7999 per month and go up to 119 99 per month. They offer four cores 500 gigabytes mirrored storage, which in case you don’t know what that means. that essentially means that you have a backup website and four gigabytes of RAM now they offer three IP addresses. And although they don’t offer unmetered bandwidth, they do offer five terabytes of bandwidth on their cheapest plan, which should be enough to the majority of websites which are going to be hosting on this plan.

They also give you full access to your server, a free SSL and a free domain for one year. The performance and uptime for Bluehost are very stable and predictable. Finally, though, I want to talk about my third favorite option which is a two hosting now a two hosting is dedicated servers start at around 9959 per month and go up to a whopping 248 99 per month, which is incredible, but you do get quite a lot of features with that service. Starting on their basic plan though they give you eight gigs ram to 500 gigabytes drive and a two core CPU. Although this is clearly not as good as the other two plans at OC is still a very good and cheap, dedicated server provider, which I do recommend if you’re not going to go with Hostgator or Bluehost.

Now all of these hosting companies do offer really good customer support as well, which is always a benefit. But just to recap and to give you my final thoughts, I personally would go with Hostgator if I had to pick, I think Hostgator is the best and they provide the cheapest and best quality services out of all three of these options. So if you are looking to go with them, just head down to my link in the description where you can check out more details and receive special discounts.

Affiliate link disclaimer: If you click the links in the description and get a hosting provider, we may receive a commission. With that said, we don’t let brands dictate our opinions – if we said it, that means it’s what we truly believe. Buying through our links will not cost you anything extra and as a matter of fact, may cost less due to discounts.

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