Best Linux Server distro 2021 – Best Server OS 2021 and beyond
Best Linux Server Distro 2021 and beyond.
Top 3 Recommended Best Linux Server OS Distributions 2021 and beyond
The best free Linux server operating systems.
Here are the VPS providers I Recommended:
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Watch the following videos if you’d like to see how to set up your Ubuntu or Debian server.
How to setup Ubuntu 20.04 LTS :
How to setup Debian 10 :
What is the best OS for a server?
The best Linux Server OS is listed in this video. Currently there are multiple Server Operating Systems you can use. However the ones I recommend are clearly listed in this video.
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What operating system do servers use?
Servers use Linux or Windows systems. it depends on what you want to run on your server. Certain applications are only available for Windows server and others for Linux servers. It is therefore paramount to know the use case for your server. that will determine whether your run linux or Windows.
The best server OS for home / business is therefore the one that will run the applications you want to use. if you are setting up a Web server , File server or any other type of server, you will need to decide this based on the actual applications you want to run on the server.
Linux server OS
Linux server OS is free. That is a huge advantage of Windows server. Linux distros are also resource friendly. That means you can run them on low spec server hardware.
The server operating system may need lots of RAM or high spec CPU to run, depending on the Apps you want to run on it. However, Linux distros like Debian, do not require powerful servers to run. Any server will be able to comfortably run your Linux setup, provided you opt for the Command Line Interface option. Ubuntu server os may require more resources than debian, however it will still perform better than Windows on a low spec server hardware.
The Top 3 recommended Linux Server OS’s
The following are the free Linux servers I recommend for anyone setting up a new Linux server in 2021 and beyond.
#1 Debian
Debian is a free and open source Linux operating system released in 1993. It is developed and maintained by the community-driven Debian Project.
Current release : Debian 10 “Buster” . Active support: July, 2022 to June, 2024 (may go up to 2026 with LTS support)
Debian :
Is stable and secure.
Has a huge package library.
The most resource efficient server.
Is known for backward compatibility with most major releases.
Supports various hardware architectures: Intel x86-based,AMD64 & Intel 64,ARM with hardware FPU,64bit ARM, etc.
Easy and customizable installer. Install only what you need.
Community driven project.
Provides Long term support for all major releases.
Is readily available on all major cloud Hosting providers such as Contabo, Vultr, DO, AWS, Google etc.
#2 Ubuntu
Ubuntu is a Linux distribution derived from Debian and consists mostly of free and open source software. Initially released in 2004.
When using Ubuntu server, always use the LTS versions because they provide long term support. LTS is important for stability in a production environment.
Current LTS release : Ubuntu 20.04 LTS .
Ubuntu LTS 20.04 features:
OS security guaranteed until April 2025
Extended security maintenance until April 2030
Ubuntu Server:
Has a large community that can offer support.
Has a large package base. Lots of packages ready to install in the repository.
Resource efficient and can run on a small VPS.
Actively maintained with new security updates.
Easily scales out depending on your growth needs.
#3 AlmaLinux
AlmaLinux is a free and open source Linux distro created by CloudLinux to provide a community-supported, production-grade enterprise operating system compatible with RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). The first stable initial release of AlmaLinux was on March 30, 2021.
This is a replacement for CentOS. if you are using Centos 8 you can convert it to Almalinux.
It is new but it is backed by major companies. Find out if the applications you want to use can run on it, then feel free to try it. You can run it on a production environment since it is currently based on RHEL 8.
Most Cloud Hosting Providers already have Alma Linux as one of the Operating SYtems you can choose to install during setup.
#4 Rocky Linux
Rocky Linux is also an open-source derivative of RHEL, released in 2021. It is also backed by major companies. ALmalinux vs Rocky Linux if you want that Centos OS feeling.
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by Ricky Wahowa
linux web server