Best Ubuntu Alternatives

Whether you’re a Linux enthusiast or currently using Ubuntu, delve into a range of alternative possibilities. Consider a seamless transition to Debian or explore systems based on Debian, some even built on Ubuntu but without Canonical’s controversial decisions.

00:00 Summary
00:19 Introduction
01:34 Debian
04:01 Alternatives to Debian-Based Ubuntu
04:25 MX Linux
05:15 LMDE
06:08 Deepin
06:55 Ubuntu-Based Derivatives
07:22 Linux Mint
08:11 Pop_OS!
09:00 Elementary OS
10:01 Outro

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4 thoughts on “Best Ubuntu Alternatives

  • There's SpoinkOS too 😁
    And you forgot Feren OS ! (new version will release soon)
    Also Drauger and PikaOS are pretty good for gaming

  • For me, Elementary is a failed distro. Not only does it push donation to the point where not donating may mean you don't get upgrades' a concept that flies in the face of the FOSS ideology, its package manager is practically non-existent, and it false flags reliable, trusted packages such as LibreOffice as potentially harmful. Of all the distros listed, Elementary is the one I would say it is wroth avoiding.

  • Playing around with MX on a 32 bit Ex Win XP Acer Travelmate 2480 from 2007, runs superb. Now i am on LMDE 6 on my office computer since a month. That is a ready to use Debian, a distro that fits my needs and taste the most. You don’t have to mess around with settings, its great.

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