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Better & Free Command-line FTP Client for Windows, Supports SFTP, FTPS, Passive Mode & FTP Scripting

In this video, we will talk about a better command-line FTP client.
The default command-line FTP client on Windows is handy. It is often used for automated data transfers with FTP scripts. However, it is outdated.
It only supports the plain FTP protocol with no encryption, which is not safe; it does not support Passive mode FTP, so it is often blocked by routers or firewalls.

If you still use it, it’s time to find a better alternative. DriveHQ’s free Command FTP client offers a smooth migration path. In most cases, you simply need to download DriveHQ Command FTP client and change FTP.exe to cmdFTP.exe.

Please take a look at the feature comparison table.
CmdFTP.exe has solved all weaknesses of FTP.exe. It supports SFTP and FTPS, so it is secure; it supports Passive mode FTP and SFTP, so it is rarely blocked by firewalls. It has a lot more features. It works with 3rd party FTP servers, so you don’t have to use DriveHQ’s FTP hosting service.

Now, let’s take a look at how DriveHQ Command FTP works. First, please download it from website. It is a simple EXE file that does not require installation. You can save it in a folder, e.g. C:DriveHQ.
Now, open two command windows and compare it with the default FTP client side by side.

We will briefly talk about the FTP scripting feature, which is often used for automated file transfers and EDI.

As you can see, CmdFTP can replace FTP with many more advanced features. For detailed documentation about CmdFTP, please visit the software page.

DriveHQ is one of the largest FTP / SFTP server hosting service providers, offering DriveHQ FTP for businesses and CameraFTP for IP security cameras and DVRs. For more info about DriveHQ FTP, please visit website, click Features, then click FTP Hosting.
DriveHQ Command FTP software page:

DriveHQ FTP features page:

CameraFTP website:


by DriveHQ_CameraFTP

linux ftp command

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