BIND DNS Server Configuration in UBUNTU || Primary & Slave DNS Server Configuration step by step

How To Install And Configure BIND DNS Server in Linux Ubuntu

How To Install and Configure BIND Primary and Slave DNS Server in Linux Ubuntu

Bind Primary and secondary DNS server configuration using bind in Linux (Ubuntu)

how to configure primary and secondary dns server in Ubuntu

Configure Primary and Secondary DNS Server in Ubuntu

Dns server configuration

dns server configuration in Ubuntu

dns server configuration in Ubuntu step by step

Setting up DNS Server on Ubuntu 22.04 | Configuring a DNS Server in Ubuntu 22.04

Watch Video – How to Configure Primary & Slave DNS


Watch VIDEO : Primary & Slave DNS Server Configuration step by step

Watch Video : Bind 9 Configuration Full primary and Secondary DNS

How to use DIG command to lookup DNS Records


00:00:01 – Introduction about DNS Server configuration Project
00:00:16 – Describing about Ubuntu DNS server configuration Project
00:02:00 – Primary DNS Server update & Bind9 installation
00:04:20 – Setting up HOSTNAME in Primary DNS Server
00:05:15 – Bind Ubuntu DNS packages installation
00:06:20 – UFW firewall Disabling in Primary DNS Server
00:07:30 – Bind9 Primary DNS named.conf.local configuration
00:14:30 – Bind9 Primary DNS named.conf.options file configuration
00:18:30 – Bind9 Ubuntu Primary DNS forward zone configuration
00:25:30 – Bind9 Ubuntu Primary DNS Reverse zone configuration
00:30:30 – Ubuntu Primary DNS server checking with command

00:36:15 – Slave DNS Server update & Bind9 installation
00:41:00 – Setting up HOSTNAME in Secondary DNS Server
00:42:15 – Bind9 Ubuntu Slave DNS packages installation
00:42:50 – UFW firewall Disabling in Secondary DNS Server
00:45:30 – Bind9 Linux Slave DNS named.conf.options file configuration
00:49:16 – Bind9 Secondary DNS named.conf.local file configuration
00:55:40 – Linux DNS Server checking debugging after configuration
01:02:00 – DNS Servers checking debugging with NSLOOKUP Command
01:04:00 – Ubuntu DNS Servers checking debugging with DIG Command



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