Bitcoin Lightning Wallets Compared

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In this video, I discuss the trade-offs made by different Bitcoin wallets when interacting on-chain, over Lightning, and over the Liquid Network.

In a high on-chain transaction fee environment, it can be helpful to minimize interaction with the base layer, which is where wallets like Aqua can be helpful, using Liquid instead of on-chain as its “base layer.”

I also discuss the Muun Wallet, Wallet of Satoshi, Mutiny Wallet, Strike Wallet, and the Phoenix Wallet.

Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

Watch these videos first:

Aqua Wallet:

Blue Wallet no longer offers easy, built-in Lightning support:

Muun wallet has been bloating the UTXO set:

Mutiny Wallet:

Zeus Wallet:

I am not being paid or otherwise compensated by any company or cryptocurrency project that I mention in my videos. My opinion is not for sale. Please do not contact me with any affiliate or advertising deals.


Neither Bitcoin University, nor any of its directors, officers, shareholders, personnel, representatives, agents, or independent contractors (collectively, the “Operator Parties”) are licensed financial advisors, registered investment advisors, or registered broker-dealers. None of the Operator Parties are providing investment, financial, legal, or tax advice, and nothing in this video, on this YouTube channel, or at www.Trader.University or (henceforth, “the Sites”) should be construed as such by you. This video, channel, and the Sites should be used as educational tools only and are not replacements for professional investment advice. Trading or investing in new and volatile assets like Bitcoin can be risky.


by Bitcoin University

simple network management protocol

32 thoughts on “Bitcoin Lightning Wallets Compared

  • WARNING: There are a number of scammers who are using my image and channel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and other platforms to scam them. Just so you know, I will never refer you to "my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell you something. I am trying to ban these scammers as quickly as they pop up. You can always recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing how many videos he has. All of these guys have zero videos, while I have hundreds. I also now have a checkmark next to my name, so that you can distinguish the real Bitcoin University from the imposters. Follow me on Twitter @mattkratter

  • You should also check out blixt, an open source bitcoin node and mobile lightning node. It is actually quite amazing.

  • It's a shame Strike still isn't available in the UK.

  • I used muun wallet for 1 btc transaction and was shocked with the fees. no more. I'm moving my btc out of muun to another wallet, most likely phoenix and mutiny. bye bye muun.

  • You're a true leader! 🌟 — "The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible."

  • Nice , I was in search of a good wallet !

  • what ever happened to ‘not your keys, not your coins’? bitcoin is failing, there are much better options today and being told that your too poor to use the “base layer” is not what was promised by satoshi.

  • What's your opinion on ledger stacks? 😀

  • Today AMS28K is less than $1. Time for everybody to wake up and get with the winning team.

  • If you're right about this AMS28K this could really help people offset the losses they experienced this year

  • Anyone reading this should get in AMS28K, in my opinion, its game changing

  • CoinOS and Alby are both browser-based and work like a charm in case the app stores get tyrannical against BTC wallets.

  • Awesome video! Can we get a video for node suggestions too?

  • So, is it possible to use Aqua as an interim tool for anonymity since they are cracking down on mixers? BTC > LBTC > New BTC wallet?

  • not directly related to the video…how do i set up my node to shed the bloat from the recent shipcoins on the btc blockchain? Thanks

  • I'm in the US and I'm still using Phoenix, Tor enabled.

  • Matt, I'm a HODLer but I'm questioning what the future looks like when Bitcoin completely replaces fiat. For example, will on-chain transaction fees be so high only large institutions could possibly facilitate them and only because they represent thousands of customer transactions at once (Layer 2 settling)? Will my employer direct deposit to my Bank of America Lightning Wallet? Will I have a second, more secure, Lightning Network wallet with Bank of America that is my "savings" account, since converting to on-chain will be so expensive it penalizes savings? How would automatic monthly recurring charges work for a Spotify subscription? Would loans have much higher interest rates since the bank cannot multiply the money and must actually be without the loaned amount for a time while you are repaying it? I realize I could run my own Lightning Network and Bitcoin node, but I think the majority of people would not and would prefer to trust a custodian like Bank of America, which, ironically, removes BTCs "freedom money" value proposition for the masses. It would still stop inflation at least, until some trusted custodian convinces customers that they can eliminate transaction fees and increase speed by using their own tokens which "are backed by" BTC in the same way the USD was backed by gold… until it wasn't.

  • Unpopular opinion: BCH works better than lightning. Creating invoices, opening & closing channels.. ugh. And yes, I have far more btc but for small transactions bch is it. Actually XMR also, but it's getting delisted..

  • If the Aqua app disappears and I kn9w my seed phrase, can I access my funds using the seed phrase with a different wallet?

  • walletscrutiny is an excellent website to determine the safety of a wallet. sadly it didn't tested important ones like sparrow yet.

  • zeus is great for self custodial lightning, but a big downside is everytime you re-open the app, it has to re-sync with the headers of the bitcoin blockchain, and this causes a delay of a few seconds to a few minutes.

  • I've had good experiences with Strike and Muun. Besides I love Jack Maler's take on what's going on.

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