Blake Linux Ubuntu Build
Blake Linux Ubuntu based Edition is My Ubuntu based linux distro that has XFCE Desktop, Pinta Paint Tool, Gimp Paint Tool, AbiWord, Gnumeric, Firefox Web Browser, Palemoon Web Browser, Brave Web Browser, Viewnior Image Viewer, Putty SSH Client, Nmap/Zenmap, Wireshark, ClamAV anti virus, chkrootkit and rkhunter anti-rootkit tools, PowerShell, Sweeper, BleachBit, DosBox, Pacman, SuperTuxKart, Ninvaders (Clone of space invaders atari game), nsnake (clone of snake atari game), Engrampa Archive Manager, NotepadQQ, CodeBlocks, Simple Screen Recorder, Shotcut Video Editor, Audacity, VLC Media Player, Windows and macOS Icons and themes Pre-Installed.