Bootrec Fixboot Access is Denied Windows 10 and Windows 11 with Blue Screen Boot Loop
This video will show you how to fix “the access is denied” when executing bootrec /fixboot
in windows 10 command prompt (CMD).
(Best tool to fix Windows boot problems:
This problem may happen when you try to fix windows 10 and windows 11 boot loop with blue screen error message: INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE. And/or with error code: 0xc0000225. Especially if you have an EFI or UEFI SSD disk format or when replacing HDD by SSD Disk drive.
This command is used to fix blue screen boot problems in windows 7, windows 8 or Windows 10 with this error message:
Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some error info, and then will restart for you. (100%)
Or BSOD with THIS error message: “Your PC/Device needs to be repaired”
Error code: 0xc0000225
To see how to fix INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE due to windows update or apps installation, watch the this video:
How to Create Boot Repair Disk to Automatically Fix Blue Screen Boot Loop & Windows 10 Start-up Failure:
How to Create Windows Installation media using your android mobile:
Used command lines:
bootrec.exe /rebuildbcd
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot
First method:
Type this command to fix “the access is denied”:
Execute this command to fix windows boot issue:
bootrec /fixboot
Second method:
Especially for UEFI-based computers:
boot windows from installation media such as DVD or USB:
Select: Repair your computer = troubleshoot = Command Prompt:
Open desk manager:
Show available disks:
List disk.
Select boot drive:
Sel disk 0
Show available partitions:
List vol
Select the EFI Partition:
Sel vol 4
Assign the V letter to The EFI partition:
assign letter=V:
Open v partition:
Format the EFI partition:
format V: /FS:FAT32
in windows 10 1709 and older:
MD EFIMicrosoftBoot
cd /d V:EFIMicrosoftBoot
bootrec /FixBoot
bcdboot c:Windows /l en-us /s V: /f All
in windows 10 1709 or newer (1803, 1809, 1903, 1909, 2004), …etc.:
bcdboot C:windows /s V: /f UEFI
Bios Settings hotkeys:
Desktop= F1, F2
Laptop= F1, F2 or Nano Button
Notebook= F2
Desktop= F10, Esc
Generic= Esc, F10, F1
Laptop= F10
Notebook= Esc or F10
Tower= F1
Desktop= F2
Laptop= F2
Desktop= F9
Laptop= F2 or Delete
Notebook= F2
Desktop= F2
Laptop= F2 or Del
Notebook= F2
Ultrabook= F2
Ultrabook Ative Book= F10
Laptop= Assist Button, F1, F2, F3
Laptop= F2
Protege, Satellite, Tecra= F1, Esc
Equium= F12
Compaq= F10
Fujitsu= F2
how to repair windows 7
Thanks! My computer is completely bricked now and makes a great coffee holder! Would recommend agian
It didn't work for me unfortunately…
It’s work!thank you
Thanks,,, you really saved me from reinstalling os😂
Do I lost my personal file
Do I lost my personal file
Do I lost my personal file
Absolute legend
how to undo bootsect/nt60 sys?
it creates the problem 0xc0000242
Thanks you
Awesome, got me past the error! Thanks!
My y, b, & n buttons won’t work. Wtfffffffff! 🤦🏽♂️
I got stuck on format v: /fs:FAT32 , the type of the file system is FAT32.
Here where I got stuck enter current volume label for drive V: …. Yours didn’t say that so i have no clue what to put . Please help .
My problem is it still continue to show blue screen like advance option and I already follow ur instruction but nothing happened
Hyndi chuju dzięki że mi nie xajebales 245 tys zł i nie okradles mnie o 100 ton węgla na pociągu dzk kurwa 🙏🙏
Greetings from Poland, after almost giving up this finally worked ! I totally recommend the first option since it did work. THX ❤❤❤❤
Failure when attempting to copy boot files
I have window 11 what do i do 5:05
The video is very valuable but unfortunately my problem is not solved😢
Legend! This is the only procedure I've seen to work. In my case first method did the magic with the "bootsect/nt60 sys" extra command. I've checking dozens of procedures, manuals, etc. Nothing worked.
The boot was corrupted after a Windows Update (or maybe manufacturer Update), updates done automatically by windows without my request. We know win10/11 love to auto update without user requesting it and messing the system in the process…
bcdboot C:windows /s v: /f UEFI saved me a million times! Thanks!