BREAKING: Jim Jordan Chairs House Judiciary Committee Field Hearing On The 'Border Border Crisis'
The House Judiciary Committee held a field hearing on Friday in Arizona to discuss the border.
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cisco academie
Oh look the Republicans talking about something rather than doing some thing about it. At least they're talking about it to get votes in an election year. The Republicans know if they actually do something to fix it, they won't be able to campaign on it in four years.
We all know what's going on. The Republicans hold the purse strings but they give Biden's administration all the money they ask for, for all their traitorous programs. The Republicans could play hard ball but instead they are passive observers hold hearing after hearing. This is on them too. They just love to hear themselves talk.
Please understand my concerns of illegal migrants coming over are real.
I have real concerns of the agency of law.
Law enforcement officers show little knowledge of the constitution and behave with the same mindset of not caring that the code of ethics exist. Behavior that representation Tyranny.
Americans are feeling it as a betrayal of what should be good for humanity.
Daily Americans are being abused by the agencies of law enforcement.
The vigilant of our government of not holding the agency of law to the standards to this nation. I have read just about all the state code of ethics.
I have real fear that the second amendment will have to be implemented.
Constantly the second amendment is under danger of being amended.
Maybe that's the plan of the leader of this country, to take the tools needed to defend from the tyrant behavior of law enforcement. ( The word police) is on the uniforms of law enforcement, police is on the cars of law enforcement and the behavior of law enforcement is of policing America.
Constantly citizen press is attacked by law enforcement. Law enforcement constantly deny public records so their unconstitutional behavior can't be exposed.
The people of America are being oppressed of the rights that our forefathers had the foresight to write the Bill of Rights to protect God given rights so free people have a chance to prosper.
Please protect are freedoms.
Thanks for reading.
Our last hope is that the pentagon has not been bought by the globalists. If so, announce that the US has surrendered and call off the political violence.
Facts Matter – Roman Balmakov
Interview W/Joshua Philipp
Secret UN Agenda
lol so sad that you have these hearing..cause the gov aint listening
Biden 2024!!
They don't want to change America they are destroying America, beware the UN, they want a one world government!
If the government would stand up against Biden and all the states would just put them on a plane back it would be cheaper
You just funded it jim jordan with mike johnson. Your words are hollow. Never seen you, Matt Gates and many others behind Marjorie T. Green when she tried to remove that sell out. Where where you? Where was Matt Gates and all the others making hollow statements. Your speaker is getting cheered on for treason and you where no where to be found, just like when Matt removed McCarthy. You got real quiet.
This is not just about US how about wakening up 8 Billion Creations and growing
Ots all a big game. They telling us nearly 4 years of open door policy cant be stopped. Its BS
FOR THE VOTES and to have all the power
Biden can win re-election by putting trumps policies back in place
If this subject doesn't make every citizen in this country watch Congressional and Senate votes, than nothing will. Let's see that not ONE DEMOCRAT has bothered to show up at this criminal behavior. BIDEN'S CRIMINAL AGENCIES HAVE DONE THIS.
Follow the $
Who is profiting from these people ?
Who is getting cheap dependable labor from them ?
1:05 Finally someone said it Out loud!
Biden and his family members betrayed the United States of America to be rich and the Democratic Administration followed behind to protect this treasonous family
You all are pissing in the wind. Nothing will change. Tyrants cheated their way into power. Country is lost. Arm youselves while you can. Chaos is here.
They brought them here, set them up for a month, then set them loose on society.
If only those mesmerized by media and hollywood, would look up pay attention to the people speaking here. The result is spreading though America now, and many think freedom means do anything you can get away with.
When are we gonna get rid of the compromise president sooner the better we can’t wait five months that’s five months of damage she’s gonna cause. On top of the previous damage he’s causing Crazy to keep letting him make decisions He ruined everything good and bad in its place. Let’s get him out of office ASAP. Let’s start cleaning up his mess.
He's complaining, and yet the Republicans are the ones that made a bill to help the border issue, then they stopped that bill all because they didn't want Joe Biden to get any credit. And then blame him? Smh. Congress is one big joke.
I think most of the people know what's going on. So how come the Republican Party are not in hot pursuit in confiscating the funds of these so-called NGO money and even the supporters assets. We are in a war we have war casualties exceeding 100,000 deaths a year right here in United States. So why are they not suing all of these NGOs on a massive scale stacked up one after another in federal court along with United Nations. Only tells me the Republican Party has been compromised, along with all the rest of our so-called representatives. Seems like a slam-dunk case to me.
With all these esteemed credentials, are they going to get anything done to resolve the situation?
Why don’t we collectively build the wall. What could happen? Biden put you all in jail?
Rhetoric. On and on and on and nothing is done to correct the insane situation.
Guess that feeble old man calling the shots has total CCP CONTROL and we can do nothing to save ourselves.
What a pity
Check out the Canada border they are coming in from up there also into NY . JLR investigate cover this on his channel also as well as TX and AZ.., and New Mexico and California border
I wish I could feel sorry for a mother that lost her "ADULT" children who decided to take drugs and die from them.
My brother did the same thing last year and it was "HIS" choice.
I am in Southern Arizona in Sierra Vista this is atrocious Vote Biden out all the democrats vote them out!
How can anyone vote for Biden?? It’s suicidal
End this WITCH HUNT against Trump! It's criminal what they are doing?
I create instant reversals on all cyber, spiritual, physical, emotional, financial and psychic attacks Projected by this briefing! All black magic binding reflection magic spells and rituals are blocked and contained within its source! I accept this shield of protection through the full power and momentum of creation
Damn right, it is treasonous! It is by design!
This is clearly an issue of authorized lawlessness !!
Ask trump why he told The Republicans to Refuse to Sign the Border Bill That would of SECURED THE BORDER
sounds like they are catching a lot of illegal crossings. not every one but a lot
Chuck Schumer Has Supported Southern Border Invasion for 3 Full Years
War. On this land
If everyone in congress cares so much why arent you all voting together to IMPEACH Biden and get this corrupt democratic party out of our government? You all sit around and talk really well but no one is acting. If Congress cant get those who caused this out of our goberbment who can.? Why is no one being held accountable and jailed for committing treason on the American people. Can one of you answer that. Stop talking and act now.
Disgusting.. we won’t have a country left if something isn’t done to secure our border now😮
All the voters in LD6 know Ciscomoni is all talk. He voted for the $95B in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Where is the funding for the border? AZ has some great congressmen. We love Eli Crane and Andy Biggs. Ciscomoni can go pound sand
Why isn't Joe Biden under arrest for human smuggling and violating our constitution deliberately. How consumer table and impeachment about Alejandro mayorkas when they're openly violating the Constitution and the laws of the United States and nobody's doing anything about it. Why isn't Christopher Wray going to the Senate and getting the impeachment papers that were drafted up against Alejandro mayorkas so they can prosecute him for human smuggling right along with Joe Biden. Remember the Democrats don't want immunity for a president. Joe Biden violated all of our constitutional laws and he should be arrested not impeached. And he should be arrested now. And where in the hell is the CIA and the FBI at right now. What the freaking hell are they doing. Christopher Wray you're saying we're at the highest alert for potential terrorism. What are you doing about it sir. You're doing absolutely nothing you already have enough to prosecute these people right now and you're doing nothing zero.
THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I have been saying that Biden is committing treason and should be arrested.
Now we got 17 million illegal immigrants in this country. 650,000 per year. We let 26 years of illegal immigrants into this country in 2 and 1/2 years. We are not supposed to exceed 650,000 immigrants per year. Divide 17 million immigrants by 650,000 people can you tell me what number comes up with. 26 years with the immigrants at 650,000 per year while the rest of the poor are dropping dead in this country how about phenomena supposedly. Isn't it ironic that everybody that's on Medicaid are the people that are dropping dead in this country. Replacement theory I don't think so. I'm a got away myself from University hospital in Geneva Ohio. I had six doctors holding me down while an anesthesiologist injected me I was paralyzed from the neck down. They hooked me up with IV fluids and set the ivy machine at 999 ml per hour after they already gave me 2000 mL of fluids. They were trying to blow my heart up and make it look like I had a heart attack. I then went and got my medical records after I escaped from there. And my medical records said I was an IV opiate drug user that I had no apparent needle marks on my body and that they told me to try to discontinue IV opiate drug use. Don't use drugs. It was a total made-up story because I was never supposed to leave that hospital. And the only reason I'm alive is because they were pumping fluids in me so fast that it would wore off the anesthesia. That's what I escaped from the hospital. I called the police department and the FBI. They did nothing.
My partner died of an accidental acute fental toxicity last year may 10th. No one knows where he got it. So heartbreaking. I miss him very much.
Exhalent job on legislation Jim. Board crossings are down. That is the fact. Why do you complain about the outstanding job boarder protection is doing with the poor funding you are providing. When is Jim going to testify on his knowledge about January 6th?
Very Proud of you Sir. Amen