BRITAIN IS A DUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s over.

Follow me:

0:00 The Typo That Ruined A Country
11:15 No Building Please, We’re British
24:10 Envy of the World
32:45 Crime is Legal
38:49 Oi, You Got a Loicense For That?
45:52 The Fun Police
49:42 It Can’t Be Done
1:04:05 The Worst Government Since 1845
1:11:47 No Country For Young Men
1:23:14 Conclusion

Music used:


how to repair windows 7

44 thoughts on “BRITAIN IS A DUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Too many immigrants pushing down wages due to cheap labour, not enough houses for demand which pushes the prices up

  • Import the 3rd world and you become the 3rd world our government are importing the world's scumbags on an industrial scale so what do we expect the country is becoming a scum bucket because of it

  • Челы возращаются в свое естественное нищее состояние, после того как обворовали и поубивали пол планеты ☺☺☺

  • If you explain why they will call you racist. Truth is racist in 2024.

  • "I'm in the middle of apprenticeship in 2020" Same for me man… Just started 2 weeks before pandemic hit

  • It makes me sad to see all these charts and other news coming in from the UK. I still regret the UK's decision to leave EU, and that's coming from an EU citizen. I'm not saying EU membership would make things for the UK any better but unity is much better than division. We have seen what happens in Europe when we divide and once divided it takes millions of ruined lives to re-unite. Best of luck to our UK brothers and sisters.

  • They just get rid of the "king" feudal system and replaces it to "Landlord" feudal system lol

  • Getting sent to Australia or sailing to America i wish my great great grandparents had done this, the UK government are a punch of pompous greedy fools and they don't give a fuck about you.
    Number 1 ain't you, you ain't even number 2.

  • I've always loved how many medieval houses look like. Maybe it's a good thing that the British are embracing their past and moving back into wooden framed mud huts with thatch roofs. I would definitely visit and bring some tourist money. 👍

  • It's falling apart & we all know it ditto western world , we need strong leaders

  • Poland and Slovenia do not suffer from mass migration like the UK. The UK is too soft on illegal immigration (learn from Australia) and far too open with the real problem, legal migration. 1.2 million legal migrates in a year, that is where the Tories are screwing you, the opposition will be worse. In Australia illegal migration is under control, come illegally, no asylum but legal migration is out of control under Labor, it was bad under Tories but much worse under Labor. You have been warned. We need a centre left party that is not controlled by socialist/woke ideology, fights corruption and puts the welfare of citizens as the priority.

  • So it sounds like this is summed up by paternalistic conservatism for all its shortcomings with absolutely none of the benefits.

  • @18:23, I expected the Tories and Labour to abandon their core beliefs, but not the Greens.

  • It's all the cons's fault? Then why is the same trends true in America and the rest of the western world? It's much deeper than any repulsive political party.

  • Wait, we still have blast furnaces? I thought everything would be on arc furnaces by now (or something more modern like H2-DRI-EAF if you need to process ore)

  • Bro construed socialism with dictatorship.😂 And talks like socialism has ruined britian and not the crony capitalist tories. Most socialist countries have better infrastructure than britian.

  • Where did you get your numbers for GP visits? I live in NZ and visiting a GP has never been $10. It's usually between NZ$35 up to just over NZ$100. And all GP's are private.

  • I want to move to the usa so badly and thats saying something

  • Malnutrition in this day and age is a crime yet they say Brits are overweight go figure

  • Well, you surely got a big mouth on Youtube. Why don't you run for office big man? You make it sound so easy, then do it. Take it into your own hands and form the UK everyone wants then.

  • Every time you present some facts, I have a lot of questions and in just 6 minutes I have so many questions that I forgot most of them. But I remember a few, what is a housing subsidy? In the UK, the government pays people to have flats? How could something like this have positive results? If someone requires care and medical equipment, shouldn't they stay in a facility that will provide it for that person? Economic growth compared to Russia… I don't know how much you trust the data that Russia declares, but don't trust the data that Russia declares. 40% of children are in poverty? And their parents don't work? One parent working? Why do so many people have children even though they are unable to support them? It sounds more like a problem with education than with poverty (i.e. poverty now too). I understand that there may have been an accident and the child stays with one parent, but 40% do not have parents who could support them? How big was Britain's social spending that so many people got screwed when they tried to cut it? It seems that the British authorities were simply spending like there was no tomorrow and now the consequences have caught up with them.

  • we'll be back to horse and cart in no time and cars banned i'm telling yah we are going backwards….and i'm not surprised people are going more backwards either…..i find it hard to call us a first world country where is the proof of that london full of migrants. Everywhere around the country looks third world…i fail to see a first world anything. People say we've never had it so good as 2024 ……….get lost we're the poor sick man of the west. The way the education system is going we won't even be writing and reading soon with future generations and kids won't beable to tell the time the english language will dissapear. As all the teachers leave in droves to do something else and nobody wants to be a teacher anymore because of all the feral kids. Yeh england is going in a beautiful direction ain't it. Meanwhile all our infrastructure is old and crumbling like moldy cake. We might end up looking like fallout without the tech but worse..infact we might already be there in half the country. Real life fallout DLC:ENGLAND christ i think fallout looks better

  • Haven’t watched yet but I blame the Tories. They’ve been in charge for way too long.

  • As a Gen X person I'd say you hit the nail squarely on the head with this video. Well done. Right now in June 2024 with a General Election less than 1 month away; to anyone thinking of voting Labour in to get the Conservatives(Tories) out I'd say "Don't do it!" If the one thing I've learnt as a native born UK citizen in my 50 odd yrs here & having voted for both in the past is that they are both equally as diabolical & useless as one another. A vote for either is just a further nail in the Coffin of the now not so Great Britain.

  • I bet you'd actually get along with count Dankula pretty well, but I can also see how the man can be a bit abrasive

  • Thanks 👍 I really enjoyed the video … At first I thought it might turn into a party politics vote for arseholes .

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