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BTCL Previous Question | Assistant Manager (Technical) | BUET Pattern | Full Question Solution 2021

—–: Index of this video :—–
Find the value of resistance Rab
Find voltage gain A0 from the following OP-AMP circuit.
A PCM system has step resolution of 2V. Sinusoidal signal amplitude 10V, Find the Level, SNR(dB), and total number of bits?
A TDMA system has 8Tx-Rx pairs, sampled at 8KHz and number of bit 16 per sample. If 2 additional bit is added as synchronization bit, what will be the data rate?
Write a program to calculate the summation of digits of a number using recursive function in any language.
Given IP address find Subnet mask, Broadcast address, Last usable address.
Write the name of protocol.
1. Sending a mail from sender’s computer to mail server———-
2. Dynamically assign IP address——-
3. Converts IP address to MAC Address—-
4. Send error message to the Source IP of the originating packet——
5. A 1550nm fiber-optic transmission link is of 50KM length without repeater with a single mode fiber having loss of 0.2 db/Km. The fiber is joined every 2Km with conductors each with 0.5dB loss.
Determine the minimum average power which should be launched into the fiber in order to maintain an average optical power level of 10microW at the receiver?

———-:More video link:———-
BPDB | Assistant Engineer (CSE) | Previous Question Solution | BUET Pattern | Full Question-2018

PGCB previous BUET pattern question Solution || full video

DESCO SAE (Computer) | Previous IT Question Solution | BUET Patter-2020

Assistant Network Engineer (ANE) Previous written Question || BPSC Pattern

Digital Electronics Lec-1:

Digital Electronics Lec-2 :

#BTCL #Assistant_Manager #BUET_pattern


mac address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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