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BTCL Question Solution Assistant Manager-2017 | Networking, SQL, How DHCP works and Linux commands

#BTCL #Question #Solution Assistant Manager-2017
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1.Find out host and subnet mask form the
Following ip address

2. Write a SQL query to get the minimum salary
From the employee Table.

3. What is the disadvantage of manual ip? whic protocol is used for assign ip dynamically? How DHCP works?

4. Briefly Describe mkdir, passwd, telnet, cat, ls, ping,
su, nslookup linux command

5. Find the output of the C Program
6. Write a program to find the minimum from series of number.
Solution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya3sxNSxoME&t=23s

7. Design 4X1 Mux with two selection line and 4 input(A,B,C,D) of the following sum of the product (0,3,4,5,6,7) and CD as selection line
solution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeN7P9Gt4yM&t=1142s

8. What is MAC flooding attack in switch? How attacker benifited from it?

9. Using pipeline calculate the value of fetch and execution cycle?

BTCL Related Video:

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by StacKit

linux dhcp client


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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