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Build a Raspberry Pi Webcam Server in Minutes

This tutorial shows you how to setup your own Raspberry Pi Webcam server for both a USB camera and a Raspberry Pi Camera Board.

Full Project Here:

Here are the one of the complicated/long commands/text I use so you can simply copy and paste it from here without needing to head to my website!

Download dozencrows motion:

I also mention absolute URLS so here is an example of how I would run startmotion without actually needing to be in the folder.


This is a pretty basic Raspberry Pi webcam server I will be building a more complicated security like system in a future tutorial. I will also look into and show the difference between an IR and nonIR raspberry Pi Camera board.

I hope you enjoy my guide on how to get a Raspberry Pi webcam stream up and going! If you did enjoy and would like to see more then please subscribe to me for all the latest projects, guides & tips and much more.


by Pi My Life Up

linux web server

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