Building a GPU-enabled OpenStack Cloud for HPC – Blair Bethwaite & Lance Wilson, Monash University

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M3 is the latest generation system of the MASSIVE project, an HPC facility specializing in characterization science (imaging and visualization). Using OpenStack as the compute provisioning layer, M3 is a hybrid HPC/cloud system, custom-integrated by Monash’s R@CMon Research Cloud team. Built to support Monash University’s next-gen high-throughput instrument processing requirements, M3 is half-half GPU-accelerated and CPU-only.

We’ll discuss the design and tech used to build this innovative platform as well as detailing approaches and challenges to building GPU-enabled and HPC clouds. We’ll also discuss some of the software and processing pipelines that this system supports and highlight the importance of tuning for these workloads.

Speaker Bio
Blair Bethwaite: Blair has worked in distributed computing at Monash University for 10 years, with OpenStack for half of that. Having served as team lead, architect, administrator, user, researcher, and occasional hacker, Blair’s unique perspective as a science power-user, developer, and system architect has helped guide the evolution of the research computing engine central to Monash’s 21st Century Microscope.

Lance Wilson: Lance is a mechanical engineer, who has been making tools to break things for the last 20 years. His career has moved through a number of engineering subdisciplines from manufacturing to bioengineering. Now he supports the national characterisation research community in Melbourne, Australia using OpenStack to create HPC systems solving problems too large for your laptop.

OpenStack Australia Day Melbourne 2017

Melbourne 2017


by Aptira


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