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Building a Linux Distro From Scratch: DHCP Networking


Monkey See, Monkey Do LINUX

VICI – Minimalist cross-platform terminal based text editor

ED – The standard Linux Text Editor in Go


VI-like text editor in 100 lines of C++ code:

Text editor in 50 lines of python:

VI-like text editor in 125 lines of python:

Text editor with python shell:

Tiny vi-like text editor in only 125 lines of python code:

Text editor with syntax highlighting:

Kilo text editor cone in C:

Kilo text editor port to ESP32:


Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/code_monkey_king
PayPal: maksymkorzh@gmail.com


00:00 Intro
01:25 Writing a ‘run.sh’ script
02:35 Writing a ‘build_root.sh’ script
04:25 Updating ‘init’ script to rely on busybox ‘/sbin/init’
05:50 Creating /etc folder
05:55 Writing ‘/etc/inittab’ configuaration file for busybox ‘/sbin/init’
09:20 Writing ‘shell.sh’ script to provide environmental variables to a shell on boot
11:30 Updating ISO image
12:30 Testing udpated init setup
13:05 Checking for a custom environmental variable
13:20 When do we need environmental variables setup before shell starts
14:10 Testing reboot & poweroff
14:25 Setting up networking
14:40 Time to set up networking
15:20 Loop over network devices
16:30 Turn all of the network devices on
17:35 Running DHCP applet to set up IP address, mask and route
18:48 Writing udhcpc callback script ‘network.sh’ script to assign IP/mask to eth0
24:15 Testing network connection
25:00 Pinging Google DNS server
26:25 Installing ‘get’, a ‘wget’ alternative with a custom DNS resolver
27:00 A quick ‘get’ util source code overview
29:57 ‘get’ build flags
30:30 Building ‘get’
30:55 Installing ‘get’ to rootfs
31:40 Installing ‘vici’ text editor to rootfs
33:07 Testing text editor
33:40 Testing ‘get’ via STDIN/STDOUT
34:20 A few words on home directory
34:45 Using ‘get’ to download HTML file
35:30 Downloading VIM from s.minos.io static binaries repo using ‘get’
37:30 Installing VIM to the system
38:10 Testing VIM
40:10 Downloading code from github using ‘get’
41:30 Outro


by Monkey see, monkey do

linux dhcp client


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

5 thoughts on “Building a Linux Distro From Scratch: DHCP Networking

  • Contents:

    00:00 Intro
    01:25 Writing a 'run.sh' script
    02:35 Writing a 'build_root.sh' script
    04:25 Updating 'init' script to rely on busybox '/sbin/init'
    05:50 Creating /etc folder
    05:55 Writing '/etc/inittab' configuaration file for busybox '/sbin/init'
    09:20 Writing 'shell.sh' script to provide environmental variables to a shell on boot
    11:30 Updating ISO image
    12:30 Testing udpated init setup
    13:05 Checking for a custom environmental variable
    13:20 When do we need environmental variables setup before shell starts
    14:10 Testing reboot & poweroff
    14:25 Setting up networking
    14:40 Time to set up networking
    15:20 Loop over network devices
    16:30 Turn all of the network devices on
    17:35 Running DHCP applet to set up IP address, mask and route
    18:48 Writing udhcpc callback script 'network.sh' script to assign IP/mask to eth0
    24:15 Testing network connection
    25:00 Pinging Google DNS server
    26:25 Installing 'get', a 'wget' alternative with a custom DNS resolver
    27:00 A quick 'get' util source code overview
    29:57 'get' build flags
    30:30 Building 'get'
    30:55 Installing 'get' to rootfs
    31:40 Installing 'vici' text editor to rootfs
    33:07 Testing text editor
    33:40 Testing 'get' via STDIN/STDOUT
    34:20 A few words on home directory
    34:45 Using 'get' to download HTML file
    35:30 Downloading VIM from s.minos.io static binaries repo using 'get'
    37:30 Installing VIM to the system
    38:10 Testing VIM
    40:10 Downloading code from github using 'get'
    41:30 Outro

  • Could we set up a Wi-Fi network as well? Ethernet isn’t really available to me but I still want to continue with this project

  • "Roo-tah" Said just like Philomena Cunk! Posh mfer!
    Good old DHCP…………"DORA"…Discover, offer, request, acknowledge.
    Very cool that you made your own "get" that's neat.

  • I've been playing around with computers, building them and programming them since the late 70's. Started with 8bit CPUs on single PCB with 1KB RAM and 1KB ROM all coded in hex. Then all the way through finishing a degree on computer science and working in the industry for 23 years… I work with a bunch if very clever folk, yet I'm constantly blown away by your diverse knowledge and outstanding ability to do this stuff… KIM, chess engines, go etc. Very impressive.

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