Building an Ubuntu Virtual Machine on Azure in 10 Steps | Free for Students

Link to using your student Azure account:

Here is a written guide to setting up an Ubuntu Virtual Machine on Azure:
1. Sign in to the Azure Portal
Sign in to the Azure portal using your account with the free subscription.
2. Search for Virtual Machines
From the Azure Homepage, search for “virtual machines”.
Select Virtual machines under Services.
3. Create a New Virtual Machine
Click + Create and select Azure virtual machine.
4. Configure Basics
Subscription: Select your student subscription.
Resource group: Create a new one and name it.
Virtual machine name: Enter a name for your VM.
Region: Select (US) East US.
Availability options: Select Availability zone.
Availability zone: Choose Zone 1.
Security type: Leave as Standard.
Image: Select Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS – x64 Gen2 (use “See all images” if needed).
VM Size: Choose Standard_B2s – 2 vcpus, 4 GiB memory.
5. Configure Administrator Account
Authentication type: Select SSH public key.
Username: Enter a username.
SSH public key source: Choose Generate new key pair.
Key pair name: Enter a name for your key pair.
6. Configure Inbound Port Rules
Public inbound ports: Choose Allow selected ports.
Selected inbound ports: Select SSH (22).
7. Configure Disks
Click Next: Disks.
Under OS disk, select Standard HDD (locally-redundant storage).
8. Configure Networking
Click Next: Networking.
In the Select inbound ports field, select SSH (22) and RDP (3389).
9. Review and Create
Click Review + create.
After validation, click Create.
10. Download Key Pair and Access VM
In the Generate new key pair window, select Download private key and create resource.
Save the KEY-PAIR-NAME.pem file securely.
Once deployment is complete, select Go to resource.
Copy the public IP address to access your VM.
Your Ubuntu Virtual Machine is now ready for use. Use the .pem file for SSH access.

