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Building random network topologies in EVE-NG (The Network Berg Livestream Ep4)

Hello and welcome to the stream, I would like to introduce myself as “The Network Berg” I am a Network Engineer who has configured enterprise and ISP networks and I just love sharing my knowledge with others. I hope you enjoy the content and feel free to leave any messages.

Note: This stream is mainly for me sharing knowledge, if you are looking for a way to fix some specific issue you are having in your production network please reach out to a local consultant to help you with those issues. I ask you to be mindful and respectful in the chat to me and to others and I hope we have a great time together 🙂

EVE-NG Setup:


Background Music:

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines Full Soundtrack (High Quality with Tracklist)

soundtrack by Rik Schaffer.

Thumbnail: Created on Canva

Let’s connect on Social Media!

🌏 https://discord.gg/ySU3r8dT9u 🌏

🌏 https://thenetworkberg.com 🌏

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🌏 https://twitter.com/bergnetwork 🌏

🌏 https://www.facebook.com/The-Network-Berg-394513498062892/ 🌏

Thanks again for watching


by The Network Berg

linux dhcp server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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