C++ for Embedded Development

C++ for Embedded Development – Thiago Macieira, Intel

Traditional development lore says that software development for constrained devices requires writing code in C, as applications written with C++ will always be bigger, require more resources and will run slower than their C counterparts. Nothing could be farther from the truth. While it is true that many C++ applications are big and demand a lot of resources, that is not a limitation of the language itself. This session will begin by giving the motivation of why C++ would be interesting in constrained-device development: it will briefly discuss what features of the language may make software safer and how such software can be even more efficient than those written in C. The presenter will then explain what aspects of the language developers should be specially aware of are and will provide information for developers to be able to develop their software in C++, without undue cost.

About Thiago Macieira

Thiago Macieira holds a double degree in Engineering and an MBA. He has been involved in several Open Source projects for over 15 years and is an experienced C++ developer, having spent the better part of the last 10 years developing Qt and Qt-based software. In the last two years, he’s also been working closely with C++ committee members in discussing and improving the suggestions for upcoming language features. He has been involved with many Open Source projects in the last 10 years and today works for Intel’s Open Source Technology Center.


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