C++ Linux Tutorial – Git Source Control with Visual Studio Code #6
C++ Tutorial for Beginners Episode 6 where we use Visual Studio Code on Linux and Learn about Source Control. This C++ Tutorial is for C++ Beginners Programming C++ and will explain Git Source Control w/ Visual Studio Code and How to Program C++ on Linux.
GitHub Repo of Project – https://github.com/SavvyNik/SimpleList
Installing Git – https://git-scam.com/download/linux
We’ll make a small update to the simple list program that we’ve been developing. This is the 6th episode of the series. Git source control can help keep track of our code changes.
My Linux Cheat Sheet and 25 Page Checklist here:
📚 https://learn.savvynik.com
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I decided to use " neovim c++ cmake " . Been watching videos.. information is available but scattered.. can you make quick set up video.. in it.. gave a sub already just wishing for such complete indepth and quick.. video in future.. 🙂