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Can DHCP Option121 work with DHCP Option3 together?

Can DHCP Option121 work with DHCP Option3 together?
I hope you found a solution that worked for you 🙂
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Thanks to all those great people for their contributions!

(serverfault.com/users/562942/shiyao-wang)Shiyao Wang |
(serverfault.com/users/311357/vadim)Vadim |
A special thanks goes out to the (https://serverfault.com/questions/1118841/can-dhcp-option121-work-with-dhcp-option3-together)Stackexchange community |

I wish you all a wonderful day! Stay safe 🙂

linux dhcp


by Peter Schneider

linux dhcp client


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.